The Citadelization Instinct

I was born on the Fourth of July to a woman born on Bastille Day.  Let’s just say I have my share of inbred independence.  Many of my good friends say I have an abundance of self-respect when kind and that I’m an egotistical XXXX when in a verbal fight. I received an epiphany from some level of the spirit world about bioadministration and waited 20 years to back it publicly because I had yet to see how to counteract what could be an oppressive organization of control…with citadelization.  I had to finish my own internal journey into harmony between individualism and collectivism, bioadministration and citadelization, before I would pry my own security blanket of robust independence from my clutching hands.

I started my spiritual journey from the exact place I would come to fear of bioadministration’s oppressive organization, stuck in my head.  And my head, with its twenty-year plan to spread my (mind’s) power and influence, came to be confronted by a triple threat of seeing, feeling, and sensing my own obsession with a plan that my soul would not pay for.  My body and heart would have manifested a disease to fix the problem one way or another.

I share my story only to give example to a principle built into all levels of human organization, instinct.  Memories that live in the unconscious are collected into what we call instinct on a species level and what we call soul on the personal level.  Our intelligent design has an elegant balance between knowing and forgetting, the conscious and the unconscious to best allow free exploration (discovery) without making too many stupid mistakes (instinct).  And that is just the baseline division and balance encoded in all humans. We also have a personal soul instinct with affinities towards and repulsions from other humans.  The citadelization instinct.

To truly reconcile the apparent opposites of centralization versus decentralization requires bringing in the third force of value.  Value turns competition into purpose.  A squirrel cage, no matter how many bells and whistles are added to it, is still a dialectic endless loop until value, purpose, and accomplishment break the patterns that go nowhere.  Whether on an individual level of the body and the mind or within humanity as a whole, for bioadministration and citadelization to fight endlessly as opposites is fruitless. Yet many humans spend all day stuck behind their eyes and then collapse at night with no introspection of the day’s events.  Most governments and their people are fully institutionalized opponents. Value, purpose, and accomplishment have been banished.

Similarly, many corporations have also lost the thread of value, purpose, and accomplishment.  From a soul’s perspective, they are already dead, yet their momentum continues.  Once the mind has established a pattern or a business has found its ‘niche'  or a government has institutionalized its power there must be a countervailing force to be in the balanced dyad before we can even talk about its healing or transcendence.  The balance comes from the instinct toward citadelization.  

If we study how these corporations and governments find their partners in co-dependence they essentially go about soul-collecting by offering goods and services that have value at least in the beginning.  Somehow we humans are also soul-collecting trillions of individual cells to join our organization.  But with an individual human, the balance of power has already been built-in.  We institutionalize a revolution every night and overthrow the consciousness of our mind for 8 hours out of 24.  We start life as helpless and sensitive children with fragile and creative hearts not easily forgotten by the adult mind. We have a conscience which cannot fully be turned off.  

For the individual human, if not yet for humanity, citadelization is fully institutionalized and ready to meet any new idea of the mind with instinct. Each body has over two hundred types of cells citadelized into our liver, our muscles, our bones, and our brain to give functional ability to new ideas while at the same time having an opposing unconscious mind we call instinct which lives hidden within the field that has been named the unconscious.  Our intelligent body-mind stores all the successful programs like walking and all the failures like falling in the tissues of the body like the internet stores data in the cloud.

Is it hard to see how wise and far-reaching the citadelization of the human organization has become through millennia of evolution?  All the most important memories and functions are locked away from the conscious mind.  The body, and the people, have access to an intelligence and a forcefulness which the mind already knows and respects while governments still have yet to embrace their greatest ally and necessary counterbalance. Their own people power.

What happens when the instinct of the body no longer trusts the mind? Or when the people’s instinct is to no longer trust the government? It’s time to put that mind and that government to sleep. A healthy mind wakes in the morning refreshed. A healthy government reacts swiftly and effectively to the change in conditions signaled by the people.  The body and the people are ready to forgive honest mistakes in the mind’s realm of exploring the unknown.  But violating instinct cannot be tolerated for long.   


The Neutral World III


Feminine Wealth