The Neutral World III

In Part I, we drew the target.  In part II we shot a bull’s eye at the target.  In part III we will see what is behind the bull’s eye.  Behind the zero point of the bull’s eye is the neutral world and the laws of cosmonomics regulate the flow through this portal.  The ‘stairway to heaven’ is not a staircase, it is a vortex. 

Almost all humans, because of our own creative powers, never penetrate the mystery of life on Earth or the doorway we call heaven.  We create our own false targets or we create false targets for other humans. We are aiming at the wrong target. There is an objective target man did not create but was created from and its aiming device is called our conscience.  Once we start aiming with our conscience and we get a real muscle memory of what it is like to hit the target, only then are we truly human as designed.  I will again attempt, in words, to refine your aiming device (our conscience) to penetrate the bull’s eye into the neutral world.

What happens when a human awakens their conscience and has conscious control of their creative power? What happens when humanity awakens? Much, much easier said than done. The first thing that happens, by even entertaining these thoughts, is every lesser creation that is now exposed to their own flawed existence doubles down on every strategy and manipulation that got you aiming at them in the first place.  We must silence our own “demons”, those voices in our head that tell us we are right and those cannons mounted on the walls of our heart that fire an emotional cannonball at any attempt to open the castle gates.  This level of the game is where most humans live.  We are at war with ourselves, our true self against our false selfs.

And, let’s face it, every level of being works for the system, by design.  As a child we are free and open-hearted emanating the vibrations that both man and God love.  But this phase is fleeting because of the fallen state of our world and the need to carry all the divisions within humanity, again by design. So, we build an ego and a personality storing these unreconciled contradictions in our three-body system. And then for our many adult years, we get perturbed by life and emit emotional energy.  And finally, we embark on the death journey where the story of our life is harvested.  By whom? That’s for another post. But at this basic level of being our conscience was simply a nagging voice countering life that keeps our souls restless and our human divided and compromised.  We served the system by being a predictable meal in the spirit world. Push this memory and get that emotional food until the well of sensation runs dry.

But what happens when a human discovers they are simply a milk cow for their partner, their child, or their boss being regularly drained of life?  That human might eventually realize it’s not their partner, their child, and their boss, it's a spiritual force using them to milk you.  Then even deeper, we might see that external triggering is simply a proxy for an internal relationship within our own soul that needs to be harmonized. Once a human realizes the only ‘war’ or conflict with the external world is a mirror of what is within, the idea of getting emotional and milking yourself is first funny, then sad, and finally just wasteful.

Once we see this truth and take dominion over our emotional body then we can eliminate the false targets built into our ego and personality by early wounds.  Our ego and our personality and our physical appearance become an expression of our health and our internal peace.  What used to be internal conflict reflected out becomes an internal harmony and resiliency which meets and resolves outer conflict.  We have made the first major reversal of being unconsciously milked by our hidden patterns to consciously refining and shaping emotional energy inside and out.  We go from being a reflex action within the greater biosphere to an intelligent creative partner helping align humanity to the vortex. Like our own livers take the little packets of food and intelligently transform and chemically process thousands of unique combinations for the greater body, humans have the same creative potential for harmonizing the biosphere we are a part of.

What happens to our world when we remember our own creative power and take dominion over it?  Our lesser creations in the spirit world are either starved or they are transformed by the higher quality of food they must consume.  If spirit world is too religious a term then just look inside your own gut.  The type of food you consume over time changes the quality of bacteria living in your gut.  Your gut lining is directly connected to your central nervous system and the quality of thoughts in your mind is directly connected to what you eat. Change your diet and you will change your thoughts and vice versa.

What happens to our world when enough humans remember to own our creative power and take dominion over it? A golden age of humanity is simply a sufficient combination of humans remembering their creative power and aiming their lives with the original conscience we were created with.  Eventually, humanity will remember they live inside the body of God.  The only question to ask yourself is are you a healthy cell or a cancer cell?  Are you a young, healthy yet maybe a reflexive muscle cell just doing your job?  Are you fully connected to the greater organism of humanity and using your creative power to harmonize your surroundings according to the pattern embedded within your conscience?  Or are you a cancerous cell who has lost its own mitochondria and nuclear DNA and is using your creative power to build a tumorous empire?

In these three posts about the neutral world, I have attempted to reveal what is hidden behind the bull’s eye.  When we reach the zero point at the center of our heart and can stay there then we are connected to the world behind this world.  Attempting to change anything in the physical world without being connected to the foundational neutral world is just creating false targets.  If you want true power to change eternity it is as simple and as hard as remembering who you are created to be and then to be you.  This journey always starts with the awakening and empowering of conscience.

There is a grand plan and a final destination. Every single interaction in the outer world, if you look deeply enough, is an invitation to the grand plan and the final destination. Look with conscience and you will see the vortex of the bull’s eye. We are, in every moment inside and out, being invited to a conscious relationship with the neutral world.  


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The Citadelization Instinct