The Theory and Foundation of Bioadministration

Humanity stands at a precipice whose cavern has a harmonic draw to past human disasters and the fall of civilization.  Whether by war, or some periodic natural disaster it seems humanity is on an endless loop of progress, to a point and then a crash of progress back to a subsistence-level existence.  What if, this time, our scientific progress discovered a hidden order to the universe, a divine blueprint for the holistic organization of humanity?  What if the leap across the precipice into the future could transcend and transmute all past failures into the proverbial golden age of man? At once we know we can leap into a new future and we also know we are heavy laden with the species' memory of past failures.  

Humanity needs a breakthrough understanding, an anti-gravity-induced epiphany to literally fly over the chasm of our patterned fears and doubts.  Bioadministration is the breakthrough technology for the reorganization of humanity to prepare our collective organism for the jump we must execute.  Humanity has been on an unconscious Manhattan level project for over fifty years to discover the secret to human harmony and advancement.  I am not talking about the IMF, the UN, the WHO, the BRI, or any other human creation.  I am talking about the discovery of the continuously refining results of a trial and error experiment spanning thousands of generations. The human body, heart, mind organization.

We now have in our hands the divine blueprint for our human organization evolved on this planet to be the finest, most resilient adaptation of life to the unavoidable natural laws of this reality. We are also facing a breakdown of human-created systems which have overextended every natural limit and have invited a reboot to bring us back to square one again for another lesson of living in harmony within natural law.  This is an immediate and unavoidable ‘narrow gate’ of initiation for all humanity due to globalization and the population explosion with its resource depletion.  We have every incentive to work together… or… to ‘run for the hills’.  That is the nature of initiation, a clear test of free will to choose to evolve or to turn back for another long and painful lesson. 

The general theory of bioadministration is we humans are individual life forms embedded within an organism we call humanity. And just like our trillions of individual living human cells find themselves inside of an organization with godlike powers compared to the individual cells, this same blueprint applied to humanity is our pathway to the human heaven on Earth every religion has promised us.

The first principle of bioadministration is, we are living inside the body of God. Humanity is acting for the sake of a God we cannot see or know God’s purpose.  If we are not connected to the whole organization with a purpose then we are a cancerous cell that has lost its DNA. We found the new science of bioadministration to understand and codify all the functions of the human blueprint at a human level so every human can at least know and choose their place and purpose.

The second principle of bioadministration is, as above, so below.  By looking within to the individual human body, heart, mind, and by looking outward to the place of humanity within the cosmos we apply the laws and rules that shaped us and sustain us to discover true harmony with our world, seen and unseen.  Each human can apply the as below, so above logic to the often self-serving proposals and laws our government (the mind) attempts to enact.  Each human can be taught a common blueprint which is no man’s creation or pollution of creation.  We now have the divine blueprint and it is us.  We can never lose it, only forget it.  We found the new science of bioadministration to spread the wisdom of the ages that created us so that we never get fooled again.

The third principle of bioadministration is humanity has a cosmic purpose it must fulfill in life and in death.  We humans, like children, have been given the gift of innocence by our creator and our cosmos.  At some point, every immature species must stand up and face the universe in its own power and truth.  The discovery of our power and truth is where the new science of bioadministration overlaps heavily with its companion science of cosmonomics.  From an energetic exchange perspective, humans are not at the top of the food chain.  Humans stand at the doorway between spirit and matter, often getting overrun because of our ignorance of humanity’s cosmic purpose. We found the new science of bioadministration to make resilient the organization of humanity to fulfill its cosmic purpose with as much grace and ease as possible.

This is a taste of the journey we will travel together if you so choose.  If the jump across the cosmic chasm comes before we are reorganized…and we fall…we can still remember the fruits of the discovery of bioadministration from this age.  The blueprint cannot be lost, only re-fired and refined for the next attempt. I, for one, do not intend to rely on the inevitability of God’s plan for humanity. I will work every day to inform my brothers and my sisters that the age of trial and error has long been over, we just had yet to find the test results hidden within our own bodies.  I will work every day to remind my brothers and my sisters that the age of ‘follow the leader’ is dead and buried because we all know the plan and the mission of humanity, personally, intimately. We will lead ourselves and discover how many brothers and sisters we have walking in exactly the same direction from their own willful understanding and purpose.  

I also invite written submissions to the awakening of humanity to bioadministration.  I plan an annual prize and conference to enhance the revealing of the blueprint for human harmony on Earth. Please join in the awakening to the fact we have already won this victory of the discovery of the plan.  Now we get to own it and live it and harvest the fruits of all past human life on Earth. We living humans are the evolving stem of life’s growth towards Eternity.  Bioadministration is the light to turn towards and the ground to sink our roots within today and every day hereafter because this is the pathway every human trial throughout all time has created and left for us to follow.


Citadelization & Self Remembering


The Neutral World III