Citadelization & Self Remembering

As part of my spiritual journey, I studied the Gurdjieff Work for a number of years.  The introductory concept taught to everyone was that of self-remembering to separate from being overly identified or possessed by a thought or feeling. Later in the Work this was defined as the first conscious shock or conscious breath.  Every tradition has its own name for gathering the attention, moving it to a point inside the body but away from the brain and sense organs, and using various techniques to get some level of conscious control over it.  To become clear enough to listen to our inner voice of conscience, we need tools to separate ourselves from the crowd of humanity.

Citadelization is founded on the same desire to remember one’s self or Self to counteract the propensity of humanity to fall into mob rule, totalitarianism, mass formation psychosis, co-dependency, speculative bubbles and personality cults.  We have seen terrible examples of when the mind of government, the heart of religion or the body of tribes have fallen for ideas, beliefs or practices that become drug-like in their ability to infect and control a group of humans.  Any serious attempt to organize a long-lived human culture must solve this human propensity to herd itself and stampede even if over a cliff. Citadelization and self-remembering are safety valves.

If we assume the human design is at least on the road to being perfected (if not already) then this ability humans have to herd must have a valuable purpose. Bioadministration tells us just like the human body has a central nervous system there must be a subconscious communication network connecting humans.  There is an organization called The Heart Math Institute that now has sensors deployed around the globe to measure the resonance of the planetary field.  The one sensor that was deployed on 9/11 registered an unprecedented spike in the Earth’s magnetic field.  So, we humans with emotions can manipulate the magnetic field of the Earth (or somebody has a space weapon connected to the magnetic field). Cosmonomics says we humans have this feature of collectivizing with power, but for what purpose?

Perhaps that statement in the Bible of the Tower of Babel story which states “We had better confuse their speech for there is nothing they cannot do (as one voice)” is given more context if we look at the human ability to assemble into powerful units of coordinated action for either good or bad outcomes.  Perhaps we are being held back from our power… or is it for our own good?  We cannot know for sure. But whichever it might be there is a built-in safety valve called self-remembering, that can break a connection long enough to reconnect with our own conscience.  The intelligent design of humanity has an installed connection to mass organization and the ability to break said connection. Better known as an on/off switch.

The on position in the modern age is mass media/global communications of the human emotional drama and the off position is flipped by emotional exhaustion.  That is the designed circuit. But one side of, the on position, has been getting technologically more and more potent in levels of stimulation. The off position has a failsafe of emotional exhaustion but this can lead over time to a shutting down of the circuit and of no longer caring to remain emotionally connected to community or humanity.  That is like some of the strands of copper in a high voltage wire being broken and unable to carry current putting more and more pressure on the remaining wires to carry the current load.  

Self-remembering is a deeper part of our self pulling the disconnect switch to the external world.  So we don’t burn ourselves out. Or get milked. Meditation and prayer, well-executed, start with self-remembering.  Good sleep does too.  A gentle withdrawal of the attention from the mind to fall asleep is the deep cleaning of the mind, heart, and body of all the waking interactions with humanity and the cosmos since the last sleep.  

What does all of this have to do with citadelization? Repetitive mental, emotional and physical scripts we encounter throughout the day want to take up residence but are almost always detrimental to hold on to because they are either miscreations of humanity or purposeful creations meant to manipulate you.  Did you know you have your own social welfare system of mental, emotional, and physical programs inside you lining up at the soup kitchen of your attention to be fed?  Citadelization with its tool of self-remembering keeps our human attention clear with our conscience free to remember oneself and to say no to negative formations.  The sooner bad ideas get starved of human attention and grounded out the better.

Citadelization is the designed counterbalance to bioadministration.  The body is a co-equal partner with the mind. Sleep is the body’s nightly counterbalance to the voracious consumer of impressions we call the mind.  Self-remembering, calling home to conscious control of our attention and our emotions, is for preparing to sleep and for healthy emotional disconnections all day long.  It is vital to counterbalance being possessed by every perturbation of humanity on a personal level and for we the people to maintain the ability to turn off our government for periods of rest and cleansing without blood being spilled. 

In resetting the foundations of human life on Earth, going forward, there should be no government formed that cannot be put to sleep periodically and repopulated from top to bottom with fresh humans chosen for what the coming day’s challenge is. Everything living has an on/off switch.  Self-remembering is remembering there is an off switch and how to flip it. Anything that cannot stand being turned off is only alive because it is a parasite on humanity.


Night and Day


The Theory and Foundation of Bioadministration