Night and Day

In our reality built upon divisions, night and day are the very top of the mountain and the deepest inside the center of Earth.  Light and dark.  How does something so fundamental to our existence remain so unexplored?  There are some psychological implications explored in our waking versus dream state.  But to have scientifically and metaphysically ignored the fundamental purpose of the division between night and day means we have yet to really establish a culture and an ethos deeply founded upon our nature of half light and half dark.

Some religions focus on a heaven and a realm of eternal light and some cast dispersions of a hellish eternal darkness.  Other religions worship what can be done only in the dark. These are limited reflections of what some humans see of each half of the divine expression of light and dark. But the polar boundaries of light and dark beyond, which no human spirit can pass or escape, must both be visited by every human for roughly twelve hours everyday.  Religion is the attempt to place human value judgment and hold captive what must swing smoothly back and forth like a pendulum to be in perfect harmony.

Day follows night. Night follows day. Each pole demands their allotted time with us in their realm before they send us back. Mother Earth and Father Sun are playing ping pong and we are the ball being hit back and forth across the net.  Does the ball root for a winner and a loser?  Why the religious focus on studying or shunning what we humans cannot effect or transcend? 

Cosmonomics invites us to make peace with and even to love both the day and the night.  It might seem like night and day are competing for our souls but that is never true.  The divinely inspired father and mother play different roles in perfect harmony with no competition to raise their healthy children.  The disturbances within humanity in relation to night and day is really  current and past human souls who find value and security in allying with one pole to attract other souls to their off-balance positions within the dark and the light.

Therefore, today I invite you to cast out all other stories and prejudices and to be open to the true and divine offering night and day were designed to be.  Die each night to be born again each morning. Let night and day flow seamlessly through every 24 hours and ignore those sticky places inside and out which want to trap our attention in their little pockets where some souls hide from true life and some spirits hang out for a meal.  

If we cannot sit in the noonday sun and open our minds at least for a moment to the entry of pure light, with no human thoughts attached, then we have not truly been fully awake because lesser lights will not surrender their divided consciousness.  And, if we cannot easily surrender to the darkness in complete trust we are being held and healed within a dark womb, then we are not truly asleep but holding pockets of memories we will not let go of.

Both Father Sun and Mother Earth want to take all force and spin on the ping pong ball however it lands on the paddle and send it back across the net inside the bounds of play.  The perfect shot requires the perfect contact with the paddle.  Don’t pollute the bedroom with light and sound.  Don't block the light with sunglasses and sunscreen.  Yes, life is in the middle.  But life is best lived with the maximum doses of memory and sensation by the daily and purest visitation of each polarity. 

If your sensations are never really cleansed of memory you are pre-programmed with some limit upon your life.  If your memories are never the pure unadulterated light of the sun, then you are pre-programmed some some limit upon your life.  Be child-like in your ability to see life with wonder and surprise and true enthusiasm.  Be adult-like in knowing you have been held and healed in darkness for years, decades with no monsters that cannot be banished by the morning light.

I read this week over half of all adults in the United States is on some brand of anti-depressant. Nearly every house is wifi enabled 24 hours a day.  Sunscreen is considered a necessity to go into the midday sun. Any reformation of human culture to it’s healthy core must visit and embrace the foundational vibrations upon which human life on our Earth and under our Sun exist.  Fiddling with a higher SPF or the promise of 5G or the latest pill prescription are nearly worthless band-aids trying to extend normality into a collapsing container of life within our biosphere.  

The forces we know as light and dark are inviolable.  Their range extends from warm and cuddly to scorched pestilence.  They are ruthlessly caring and always reflect the lesson we need each cycle.  If we do not listen and correct in reality, not with human created band-aids, then the lessons become more and more unbearable.  

How ridiculous are humans that the solution to nearly everything is as simple as to truly relax and to pay attention.  We even have the perfect feedback mechanisms of pain and stress built in which cannot be ignored, only medicated over.  Yes, in the eyes of our Eternal Mother and Father we are painfully adorable in our innocence.  We humans have been handed a nearly impossible mission to accomplish with fractured consciousness and self-polluted environment and cycles of disaster while being innocent children fully exposed to terrifying and alien cosmic forces.  

Every little thing is forgiven, in advance.  And yet, each human is visited every single cycle of day and night by perfection.   What are we creating?  Where are we hiding? What sack full of crap are we dragging behind us?  Remember, the answer to every question is never more than 24 hours away.


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