The Renaissance of Masculine Power

This is my companion piece to my post on Feminine Wealth.  Where the feminine pole is always grounded in her wealth just not always fully expressed, the Western masculine pole is currently in a generation’s length reboot.  Manhood, as represented by the world’s patriarchies, is dazed and confused at least on the outside.  On the inside there is so much heating, pounding, and refining happening.  Don’t let the lame dads or the bearded bad boys programming on television have much of your attention.  There is a real renaissance of men quietly seeping into the bones of masculine power.

Where feminine wealth is built and maintained through women passing down their wealth through steady, patient and loving methods of transmission, men have a completely different mechanism of transferring power.  By confrontational testing and refinement. And too often the daily news focuses on the tester and not the one being tested.  It is easy to spot the oppressive tiredness of the existing collective patriarchy and easy to see the piling on of women wanting to play at the power game.  They are the initiators. We often forget the metal in the smelting pot being refined and the hammer blows of the forge are making a new weapon and a new type of man.

This testing and refinement of masculine power, if fully tempered, comes from both the masculine and the feminine.  I have tested myself in the realms of military, business, and politics against other men.  I also married a California feminist who bore us four children, three of which are female. Having not just lived, but enjoyed and encouraged this generation of feminine empowerment, I was, for a while, a little resentful at the “dancing on the grave” of manhood.  I assumed that actively participating and creating our modern culture of female empowerment would earn American manhood some honor and respect.  What we have received is a choke hold of submission.

Upon deeper reflection, I have seen the seasons and cycles of waning and waxing of all things in time.  The Western patriarchy has initiated, trained, and is now offloading to the East leadership of the modern economy.  The Western patriarchy has empowered its formerly silent feminine partner to speak out and confront and even oppose its masculine power. Why?  For Western manhood’s renewal and refinement.  Perhaps unconsciously, Western man has fully funded the rise of China and the East. And Western man has bowed before righteous feminine anger and resentment.  Yes, the old king is tired but through proper encouragement, testing and submission has trained and raised his (temporary) successor.

The old king of Western civilization is not dying, he is preparing for a renaissance.  Anymore than humanity could discard the mass formation psychosis of the Chinese cultural revolution, the German Nazi experience, or the collapse of the Soviet Union, humanity in general and manhood specifically cannot and should not discard the current WASP fall from grace.  All these past lessons are hard-fought and hard-won victories for humanity.  So too, the fall, the refinement, and the reboot of the West is an essential test all humanity should be rooting for no matter how good revenge might feel.

With all initiations, there is a wisdom tradition held by the adepts that is imparted upon the novices.  The continued initiation of Western manhood over the next generation is being facilitated by the newly forming Eastern patriarchy and the feminine partner in the West.  But the real initiator and the judge of this initiation is coming from the spirit world.  What does the spirit world want and need of Western man?  It must involve manhood’s core responsibility to humanity, the wielding of power in highest service to humanity and to the human place in the cosmos.

Western man has no shortage of experience in gathering and wielding power for the last few centuries. There has been the ‘good’ of globalization, scientific discovery, and emancipation balancing the ‘bad’ of resource depletion, indoctrination, and predator mentality.  Western man has been divided, especially lately, by using evil means to do supposedly good deeds.  Bringing democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan for example.  Illegally spying on Americans and pursuing secret agendas to name more examples.  These are built on older examples of the divided logic and justifications of colonization and the inquisition. 

The renaissance of masculine power is being tempered by the spiritual world into a single ethos from the divided bouncing back and forth from Christ to Devil, Devil to Christ.  The ability of political justification for any agenda or the covering of any policy mistake from playing the Devil and Christ as their ally or adversary must become reconciled into one law.  That law can only be found and founded by the one human organization that has transcended good and evil, the human body itself. What we call bioadmnistration.

There is no good and evil inside the body, only life and anti-life.  In the challenges to come upon humanity as we reach out beyond humanity into the cosmos, how can humanity interact with the inhuman if we are not reconciled and fully committed to being human?  A house divided will fall prey every time. Successful leadership in every new age or new land requires masculine power backed by feminine wealth. The men of the East have much to teach the West.  The feminine has much to see in the effective and wise use of masculine power before she will supply her wealth. We men of the West have our own new country to tame, our own selfish use of the good and evil divide.

So, I invite my brothers in the West to see the long arc of history.  There is only one team, team life.  Even if we are resting on the bench nursing our wounds, our team still needs us.  And we need them.  It is time to get centered because we are going to be compressed down to our core anyway.  At our core is the divine blueprint for a reconciled humanity.  This blueprint, we call bioadministration has been fully tested by the biosphere of Earth and by the greater solar system.  Now the future leaders of humanity can study the bioadministration playbook that is the harmonious human organism and complete the renaissance of masculine power. 


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