Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Governmental Mind

Leadership within an organization of humans has traveled a long and tortured road of being ruled by the strongest, the bravest, the richest as well as the most ruthless, the most cunning and just being the eldest son of the last leader.  Being the smartest and wisest and fairest is somewhere way down the list. Let us explore how our internal organization handles the day to day administration of its being to see what it reveals.

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David Beilharz David Beilharz

Federal Governance under Bioadministration

I just attended a convention of independent parties attempting to harmonize their unique offerings for change into a unified message… and a slate of candidates I assume.  I am agnostic as to whether change comes from a Donald Trump, an RFK Jr. or a Tulsi Gabbard. All are excellent change agents with their own human strengths and weaknesses.  Bioadministration transcends every ideology, personality and position.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Bedtime for Washington II

Bioadministration teaches us that our federal government in Washington is the mind of our human organization here in North America.  Like our own mind, at the end of a long and hard day, there are too many factors involving unresolved issues for our minds to make rational decisions.  At the same time, our level of mental attention to apply to these contradictions is limited because the energy well of sensation is running dry as it always does at the end of the day.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Currency of Life Force II

Last week we looked at the most superficial layers of the money system and its corruption within our modern political system with some disciplinary recommendations.  The mind can be a terrible waster of life force.  So can government.  They both need a currency system that has hard limits to prevent their unwise actions.  The mind, as our leader, with full access to the stored wealth of the body is slavery and a guaranteed crash and burn, maybe death.  Our government, with a blank check, will purchase the entire nation with the people’s own power.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Mental Citadelization

The power of the mind depends on its ability to gather and coalesce sensation from the body into attention.  With adequate attention the mind can assimilate the input from the senses, search its memory banks for similarities and determine a course of action.  Our mind is our tactical leader, no matter its I.Q.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Bedtime for Washington

I have been studying the idea of a planned reboot of our civilization for over 25 years.  In 1997 I formulated a Presidential campaign with the platform of a one-year controlled reboot of the United States to celebrate a new millennium.  I worked out the operational plan and justification based on cost-benefit to the soul of our nation versus the machine of the modern economy.  What happened was, I decided that shutting down the whole economy at once was too authoritarian and should be voluntary.  I went first.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Direct Democracy

In my last post regarding bioadministation, I appealed to my readers for compassion for the difficulty of the current challenge for humanity. Namely, inventing a collective mind of humanity by trial and error. I have talked repeatedly about the need to institutionalize sleep periods for the mind as a circuit breaker. In several posts within citadelization I have also named several safeguards the people can enforce to ensure the balance of power between mind and body, government and people. Today, I want to explore the idea of direct democracy as an idealized system of communication and feedback between mind and body within these prohibitions and forced shutdowns I have already recommended.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Why Government?

From the perspective of bioadministration, asking “why government?” is as ridiculous as asking “why mind?”  The trillions of living cells we call a human without a mind and all its sense organs would be much better off free from the body to develop their own senses and way forward.  But that is not the way life on Earth developed.  Life chose the most capable and efficient way to interact with nature through this specialized organization we call a human…  a collective agreement among trillions of living cells… with a mind to organize what’s inside and outside.  

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

A One-World Government

The idea of a single government for the entire world has a life cycle from impossible to even contemplate or accomplish progressing to it being the dream of mad conquerors to its full completion and implementation because this is how we were created to organize. Where are we on the life cycle of a one-world government? The entire twentieth century reflected, thru its world wars, the need for a new model of cooperation while at the same time the fall of communism and the death of the American unipolar moment has revealed how inoperative and incapable centralized control of humanity remains.  The idea still exists, on life support, as an irreconcilable contradiction sapping the true peacemakers' reservoir of hope and vision.

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