Bedtime for Washington II

Bioadministration teaches us that our federal government in Washington is the mind of our human organization here in North America.  Like our own mind, at the end of a long and hard day, there are too many factors involving unresolved issues for our minds to make rational decisions.  At the same time, our level of mental attention to apply to these contradictions is limited because the energy well of sensation is running dry as it always does at the end of the day.

Our bodies, in their greatly evolved wisdom, have the mechanism to stop the mind from wasting precious attention without resolution or worse, making poor choices based on weakened logic.  That mechanism is called sleep, the mental reboot.  We Americans are on the verge of making the mistake of allowing our Washington mind to continue to make choices for the body that are clearly destructive to the life of our nation. 

We the people could elect new representatives.  We have done that and here we are.  And now the dark money funding, the manipulation of media and the inability to count votes in a transparent, timely manner have made this method of correction unavailable. 

We the people could simply suffer the continued dimming of freedom becoming ever more sheep-like seduced by the bread and circus of debt-based fiat currency and YouTube videos.  That devil’s choice only works until the money becomes so vaporous and the level of work becomes so weak that the whole system collapses.  It did not work for Rome and communism spectacularly collapsed last century and came over to fascism in Russia and China.

We the people could fight each other in a civil war led by the leaders that created the conditions and the division through corruption or ignorance.  Our prior Civil War, the number of soldiers who died between 1861 and 1865, generally estimated at 620,000, is approximately equal to the total of American fatalities in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War, combined.  And the issue of slavery was settled as a matter of law but economically and socially remained unresolved for another century.  

Or, we the people, could follow the wisdom of our own being and the tenets of bioadministration and simply withdraw our energy from Washington until such time as it becomes irrelevant for a period of time.  Without the people’s taxes or attention, our federal government would have to go silent.  As a thought experiment, we will explore how this could happen.

We will start with the three most critical issues our federal government faces in going to sleep:  Defense, Entitlements and Currency (with interest of the national debt).  First defense. The warning of President Eisenhower over sixty years ago to “Beware of the military-industrial (national security) complex” must finally be faced.  With 700 military bases outside the United States, we are an empire.  That empire must shrink or it will collapse like all other previous empires.  We finally bring all our troops home 75 years after World War II.  We flood America with our best-trained and most patriotic youth to rebuild the strength and cohesiveness of all our local states and communities.  The money to pay for the reduced military during the reboot will come from import tariffs that funded nearly the entire government before WWI and our journey into an empire.  The direction of the military will come from a council of state governors that will require a three-quarters vote to awaken our military from its slumber.

Next entitlements. The Social Security Administration will return to its original design as an insurance trust fund based on previous contributions.  Regarding Medicare and Medicaid, the federal government's intrusion into health care has brought us to the COVID disaster and has lost all moral authority over the people’s health.  These programs are already administered by the states and all funding should be limited by states competing to redesign their healthcare benefits free of industry capture and profiting upon disease.

And finally, the currency system.  The current drive to a central bank currency system (CBDC) is a tool of enslavement.  If our mind had full control over our internal energy system it would starve and kill the body at the first mental delusion fully chased and expressed.  Our government is no different.  It must not gain full control over the currency system or it will crash the entire system.  Therefore, during the reboot, there will be no more deficit spending and money will return to more tangible and transparent forms not subject to abuse.  Without federal government manipulation of money, the people will redesign their own forms of currency including cryptos, metal coins and barter along with non-counterfeit paper currency.  The national debt of $32 trillion will be converted into perpetual bonds backed by government gold and real estate.  The federal government owns 28% of all the land in the United States and over 45% of California.

This is an albeit very quick and limited review of how to deal with the consequences of a federal government shutdown just to show it is not impossible.  When faced with a full-on collapse of empire or civil war these solutions are highly rational.  So how to start?  We the people simply stop paying income taxes.  We the people tune out of the soap opera of Washington.  We the people take sovereign control of our personal energy and, just like our body does each night, we put the mind to sleep.

Once the federal government is asleep and the people have restored their own strength we can evaluate what we need our central government to do for us.  Many programs will simply stop.  Many functions will return to local community and state control.  What is left will be there when we reawaken our nation’s capital with new leadership, fair elections and strict limits on corporate power.

The simplest solution to an insurmountable problem is often staring us in the face.  Here we have the simplest solution as obvious as what a good night’s sleep brings each and every one of us.


The Citadelization Defense Against Group Insanity


Conscious Suffering