The Citadelization Defense Against Group Insanity

We humans have collected enough of our history to know there are regular periods of group insanity that infect the human mind.  From the bible story of the Tower of Babel to the recent examples of the Chinese Cultural Revolution and the Cambodian Killing Fields, we humans regularly become the tool of our own destruction.  First, we will theorize why this happens and then apply the principles of citadelization as a defense.

Cycles of insanity fall into two categories. One type seems to affect distinct cultures in their life cycle and one type is clearly more cosmically triggered across all humans.  In the first, we can trace how nearly every civilization dies by its own mental stupidity, which when viewed from outside their time and circumstance, can only be diagnosed as some form of insanity.  The human sacrifice of the Aztecs concurrent with letting a handful of Spanish “gods” walk into complete domination.  The Roman’s fascination with blood sports in the arenas and elite debauchery in money and culture.  The Nazis reorganizing their culture into a fascist technocracy with racial superiority in response to their attempted enslavement after World War I.  

On the other hand, we humans are designed to be a biological buffer and transmuter of incoming cosmic energies that wax and wane as Earth and our solar system travel around the galaxy.  Every collection of humans, from tribe to civilization, only developed along with some mystical understanding and practice of the relationship between sacrifice or worship and the cohesive power of internal harmony among the group. True spiritual practices, not yet saddled with dogma and priesthood, are a direct human response to the periodic raining down of confusion upon humanity.  In these periods of cosmic instability, all human organizations are tested.  The most harmonious and cohesive groups, when backed by the principles of cosmonomics, sailed through the confusion while the unreconciled collapsed.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump back to back is perhaps Western Civilization’s last slap in the face wake-up call.  And there’s little doubt that current solar cycles and a weakening magnetic field on Earth make every human vulnerable to cosmic rays that have no user manual attached. I personally view America as an infant civilization that has yet to develop and the death of Western Colonialism as a necessary step in its formation.  But that is for another post.  The cycles are probably aligned where both our own weaknesses and the cosmic forces are teaming up for the next age of humanity to be born. From those that can keep their minds sane.

Citadelization is our body’s own internal defensive strategy.  We each face cancerous cells every day that have lost their “minds” and their DNA coding.  If the “cosmic” conditions are right within the galaxy of our human body for the reproduction of “insane” cells then a tumor forms that has its own energetic aura fueled by fermented sugars and an acidic pH.  A neighboring healthy cell cannot attack the cancerous tumor and is constantly being seduced to change its frequency and commitment to a natural life by an incessant invitation to the insanity of anti-life.  Citadelization by the cell with its own cell wall and its own DNA intact can resist becoming a part of the insanity.

In the modern world of mass communication and social media, we are living in a floating sea of possible confusion and infection.  At the same time, these technologies also allow the exchange of new ideas and cohesive centers to form.  What is indisputable is that the electronic realm is expanding in its ability to feed our mind with thoughts and images that can only be viewed as inhuman or as alien.  Whether this is part of Nature’s or God’s evolutionary plan for humanity or if we are a random experiment that can fail makes no difference.  We can no more stop the influence of these disturbing energies than a single cell can stop the cancerous tumor growing next door.  But we can defend ourselves and our own being. With citadelization.

Going back to my first video about citadelization, I stated that its core power was in “knowing thyself”.  Who can argue against the internal power arising from being internally reconciled at the level of our own conscience?  What if what we call evil, the devil and every confusion raining down upon humanity is directed by an intelligence designed to drive us back to our core?  We may be in a “prison” or we may be in a playpen for babies not ready for the greater cosmos.  Either way, the invocation is to learn by response to external stimulus which either strengthens our individuation or collectivizes us.  Or perhaps we find the truth in both together.

Citadelization is the counterbalance to bioadministration.  Individuation is the counterbalance to collectivization.  Both poles are important archetypes of the human journey on Earth, but neither is the full human expression.  Insanity is allowing oneself to be pulled too far off-center into individuation or collectivization.  Life is the dance around the zero point as expressed by cosmonomics and the level of coherence and harmony and therefore willpower and health each human can manifest between the polarities of alone and together.  

We cannot forget ourselves and humanity is not a solo project.


Water Wise


Bedtime for Washington II