Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

The Tower of Babel

What if you where working to build the proverbial tower of Babel?  Maybe you lived nearby and wanted to be a part of the “greatest show on Earth”.  Maybe you were a slave?  Or it was the only way to feed yourself or your family.  Maybe it really was a spiritual exercise to try and assault the gates of heaven.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz


Decentralization is not an optimizing process.  Things can be atomized beyond their optimum strength and functionality. Whereas cItadelization is a process of optimization because its goal is not to be small or independent but to best contain and fulfill a function required by mission versus outside forces.  The sphere is the natural citadel forced upon groups of similar matter from soap bubbles to planets and stars.

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David Beilharz David Beilharz

The American Civilization

Modern countries like China, Russia and Iran are resistant to being Westernized because they, rightfully, are the older brothers of human civilization with their own well tested ethos.  Whereas in the West the conglomeration of colonial powers pursuing a one world system have modern industrial and financial technologies that make them both powerful and power hungry.  Power as an ethos is not an attractive quality. It forces its way forward.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

The Citadelization Defense Against Group Insanity

We humans have collected enough of our history to know there are regular periods of group insanity that infect the human mind.  From the bible story of the Tower of Babel to the recent examples of the Chinese Cultural Revolution and the Cambodian Killing Fields, we humans regularly become the tool of our own destruction.  First, we will theorize why this happens and then apply the principles of citadelization as a defense.

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