The American Civilization

Modern countries like China, Russia and Iran are resistant to being Westernized because they, rightfully, are the older brothers of human civilization with their own well tested ethos.  Whereas in the West the conglomeration of colonial powers pursuing a one world system have modern industrial and financial technologies that make them both powerful and power hungry.  Power as an ethos is not an attractive quality. It forces its way forward.

Citadelization, as a principal, extends all the way to groupings of hundreds of millions of humans  who are deeply connected to their history.  They “know thyself”.  They find heir power and strength in their origin stories and their history.  America has all the story and history it needs to be a civilization that lasts thousands of years.  Rebellion against tyranny is an ethos very necessary to the human project and is at the core of the enabling strength of diversity so practiced by all healthy human organizations.

Before America, the human citadels were organized around a sovereign that controlled the access to land by force of arms.  The two oceans that separated America from the old world gave Americans the ability to say no to monarchy and to being “subjects”.  We agreed to the equality of all humans and to not being ruled by anyone but ourselves as equals.  And America has been a great story for humans and humanity even if it took us a long time to manifest true equality based on race, creed and sexual orientation.

What about today?  And the future of America?  We seem to be falling more and more into forcing our power upon the world than being a passive attractor based on better ideas and ways of living.  Our Bill of Rights that was the guarantee against again being abused by our government is being systematically abused by a new monarchy that rules by edict based upon emergency powers.  The dystopian future of authoritarian control so well explored in film and literature has captured the American spirit and we find the system born of rebellion as the blunt instrument of a hidden world patriarchy who uses rebellion to gain more control.

America has a big choice to make.  Do we continue to succumb to a colonial monarchy of enslavement we brought with us to this continent in our blood?  Or do we remember our commitment to the rebellion against tyranny even if that tyranny is by our own hand?  Are we Americans going to be conquered by a superior technology like the Native Americans were?  America and the world are heading into a vortex of recreation that usually involves war, famine and epidemic to force an evolutionary leap.

We Americans came to this land in rebellion against tyranny of the old world’s monarchy and oligarchy.  Then we used the same techniques of old world control to subjugate the Native Americans who were living free on this land. The Native Americans were the last vestige of true freedom and there is no more virgin land free of central control to escape to.  We must face this contradiction between the need to be free and the tendency to succumb to central control.  There are no more free peoples to subjugate in search of our own freedom of expression. So we now are oppressing ourselves.

In our own personal lives we have found a way to reconcile the apparent opposition between mind’s need for control and body’s need to be free of control.  It is called the harmony of purpose when we can live from our heart’s true calling.  In the trial America is facing and must endure there is only one path to salvation, finding our true purpose.  All parties can stop the conflict only when the higher truth is discovered and the new path is blazed.

Evolution takes struggle and it spills blood upon Earth.  Old memories must be consumed and forgiveness must be given.  But the real victory is the reconciliation of apparent opposites into a higher truth and way of being.  This is the challenge facing America. We must leave the memory of European colonial oppression behind and forgive our subjugation of the free peoples of America upon our arrival and, more recently, the world.  It will take fire to cleanse blood memory, to offer forgiveness to our wounded past and to weld together a future worthy of all the sacrifices of all our lineages.

The thousands of years old cultures of Russia, China and Iran are not going to lead humanity into a new age.  They are going to act as protective citadels for humanity as we Americans wrestle with ourselves armed with weapons that can destroy everything.  This battle is with ourselves. Our challenge and our opportunity to serve humanity is to be the promise that only a land known for freedom embodied by every race, color and creed of all humanity can birth.

The promise of America remains both unmet and undefeated.  The true promise of an American civilization free of our colonial and monarchical wounds is the narrow gate to our victory for ourselves, our humanity and for Eternity.  Gird yourselves in knowing the way forward is embedded in the conscience of every human.  Live from that place and one day we Americans will finally birth the true American civilization. It’s Guaranteed.


The American Civilization II


Herd Instinct and Sympathy for the Possessed