The American Civilization II

There is little doubt a new civilization will be born by humanity.  And soon.  Capitalism has run out of spiritual gas after conquering the world. Will it be a resurrection of the dead i.e. monarchy, communism, tribalism?  Or will it be a continuation of the current drive to fascism or scientific technocracy?  Will we rally around a past “savior” or will a new Messenger arrive with divine revelation?   Some even hope for an off world, alien solution to save us from ourselves.  How do we birth a new civilization in this minefield?

A mighty oak tree begins with a tiny seed.  The seed has all the information from the oak tree’s past evolutionary successes and mistakes regarding speed of growth, density of wood and its ability to survive droughts and to repel bugs.  All the inputs of mineral, carbon, sunlight and water gather at the zero point of this evolutionary success we call the oak.  Does humanity have enough of its own genetic code from its evolutionary past to birth a perfect seed of human organization?

The BCC Institute is founded on the vision that humanity has already unlocked the code of our next civilization in its own evolutionary journey that is the human mind, heart, body complex.  And we have the memory shell of all our past mistakes at organization to contain our explosive birth from prematurely rushing into our next failure.  The body has explored tribalism.  The heart has invented religion. And the mind now has its science.  Each center living and expressing its own ethos in harmony with its inescapable companions is the blueprint of our new civilization.  As above, so below.

If we look at the American continents, North and South, with fresh eyes, in terms of centuries, not years, we can see the assembly of all the ingredients for the manifestation of this experiment in human evolution.  No where else on Earth is as ethnically mixed with all the races of humanity than the Americas.  The European colonialists, the slave trade and the yellow hoard have all been assimilated into life giving additions to the native peoples in our birthing process.

We can sleep and restore ourselves over decades, even centuries, behind our oceans without being overrun by a rogue collection of opportunistic humans.

America is the evolving stem of the human story on planet Earth.  Whatever light we find and turn towards will be the next branch of humanity.  It can be a little scary that our American minds can invent so quickly, that our American hearts can be so emotionally expressive in movies and games and our American bodies can experiment with transcendent compounds harvested from the depths of our forests.  Each center has taken the other two for rides into the unknown that have been strengthening and have rarely descended into the endless loops and negative vortexes of warfare, famine or epidemic compared to the old world.

Until now we have been led by our own obsessions and herded by natural and supernatural forces to the edge of an evolutionary cliff.  We invented globalism and perfected modern agriculture.  We have birthed levels of hygiene and life expectancy unrivaled in human history.  Going backwards would be a pain-filled and death-filled failure of our humanity. We find ourselves standing on the edge of the unknown and filled with the doubts that naturally arise from a phase change from one world to another.

The baby bird of humanity working together in mutual trust for a greater shared world is a possibility.  We can fly. Together. Or we are going to crash? Again.  The key to any magical or chemical transformation that appears impossible to the ingredients is the harmonious application of higher laws.  Flying is a phase change from liquid to gas that looks like magic but is governed by law.  Bioadminsitration and citadelization are the two wings that must work in harmony, but the harmony itself is governed by cosmonomics.  A bird is all heart and flying is an act of ecstasy begun in faith. Modern civilization is an act of faith in humanity.

You might say at this point I have left the scientific and the rational world in a flight of fancy.  But our modern world is already flying on baby wings of globalization and finance that are giving out.  We are about to crash land for no good reason but that our hearts are closing due to poor mental leadership inducing fear, engendering doubt and killing trust.  Everything must take its turn and then rest, especially the mind.  And our minds will crash land us every time we lose our hearts connection to the thread of higher law and human purpose on Earth and in the cosmos.

The mind can only experience lift the heart and body create from being one with Eternity.

Life, like flying and our Creator’s dream for humanity, is a three body problem.  Two of anything is a machine.  The third force is life giving.  The three body problem arises because no level of mind or mathematics can predict the future path of three gravitationally influenced celestially bodies.  Only the mystery of harmony and its scientific creation by the laws of cosmonomics can hold in unity and guide a living three body system.

The American experiment is meant to be the next organization of humanity we call a civilization because of its birth and its life force and its sustaining through time by self reflection and self healing….because of its ability to gather, manifest and husband harmony, the third force, that is life itself.  Flying appears like magic but is lawful.  So too harmony.  Cosmonomics are the laws of every living civilization in alignment with cosmic purpose, including the next one here in America.


The American Civilization III


The American Civilization