The American Civilization III

In my third part of the trilogy on our American civilization in formation I will relate to its mental and governmental structure as designed and indicated by bioadministration.  First, we the people, recognize it is as challenging to speak to our current leadership as it is to reason with a three year old at the end of a sugar high from the family dinner’s sweet desserts.  Forgive them (us) and have patience.  World War II and then the peaceful end of the Cold War have put the American government, overt and covert, on a massive power trip that is coming to an end in an ugly and childish reintegration with humanity.

The Europeans, as the post-war child of American power, has unionized in such an idealized, forced and stupidly arrogant manner so as to reflect all the “sins of the Father” upon American leadership for inspiring a governmental structure that only survives through subterfuge, bribery and force.  At least the former Nazis and French Republicans have a smiling face this time. The European Union is America’s trust fund baby that should give us mental pause like our current president’s son should be a slap in the face to look within.

I start with my own slap to my readers because until there is the inevitable “crash and burn” of this period of mental and governmental leadership and its good night sleep I have been proposing, then the death of the American Constitution is upon us and centuries, maybe millennia, of preparation will be lost.  So I state clearly, there’s no good and healthy way forward without a reboot of the core principals upon which America was founded.  Government for and by the people shall not perish.  Burn the ships.

Where bioadministration starts in the reboot of our mental leadership is by looking at our own mind and understanding its limitations and how valuable the heart and body are to the viability of life.  First, understand the mind is primarily a sense organ and it is also a filter.  Like a ruminate eats grass so we can digest it as muscle and Saturn assimilates the galactic alien into a digestible, if dark, expression of our humanity, the mind is also a tool of assimilation of the “other” into self (without direct injection or infection).  And like any filter, the mind needs periodic cleaning and a regular backwashing or we end up being more horned beast than human.

Government is no different.  History is the record of the vital refreshing of mental direction powered by the emotions and the will of humans, even if the process is painful and bloody.  Any advancement of government must institutionalize the regular and easy cleansing and refreshing of the mind by the feelings and the will of its people.  Money and power and even tradition must remain useful tools of the mind and not seductions into the blind alleys we must claw our way out of.  So how do we institutionalize the rational and productive balance between state, church and people? Mind, heart and body?

First, we must recognize the role and limitations of mind.  It’s greatest power is in exploring the unknown and remembering outside of the now.  Therefore, its foods are knowledge and experience.  The heart foods are peace and harmony.  The body’s foods are expression and integration.  A mind that overfeeds itself and starves its partners is top heavy and weak.  Institutionalizing periods of exploration that also feed the heart and body with shared purpose should be at the core of every organization no matter the size.  Telling the story of the past journeys into understanding over and over again by firelight and by electronic storage is also the domain of the mind.

The next civilization of humanity’s government will be focused upon a shared mission of discovery and it will revel in the technologies of documenting this journey for mass review.  What a healed government worthy of our renewal will NOT do is to shape the memory of the past to serve its own power or hide it own mistakes.  A healed government will not attempt to be the final judge of any justice system.  The heart must ascend to the role of determining punishment within a society.  Not dogma or religion.  These are simply the mind’s cooption of the emotion expression required to restore harmony.

The development of an conscious immune system to protect the wealth and health of the organization must remain free of mind and government intrusion.  Disease is the restoration of health, especially the mental mistakes and patterns that contributed to the weaknesses that allowed the disease to attack in the first place.  The immune system generally does not cross the blood-brain barrier.  That goes both ways. The mind must watch and record the event of disease but not interfere with its own dialogue, judgments and prescriptions.

These are just tastes of the changes that bioadministration suggest upon our governmental structures.  More will follow. Humanity is approaching a narrow gate of initiation this decade.  Will we reach for the stars or descend into a dark age?  The body will usually trigger cold or a flu at the onset of winter to clean house before the real challenge starts.  We have had our COVID cleansing which has revealed much to those who are paying attention.  Many have taken the cleansing to heart.  Many remain stuck in mental endless loops.

Like a military preparing for war or, more hopefully, brushing our teeth and saying our nightly prayers, by some instinct or divine force we are preparing for something huge.  The phase change is upon us.  Our minds and our government are always the most prone to mistake in the early stages of a crisis.  Then the risk shifts to panic and other emotional outbursts from the heart and the body.  We MUST prepare our minds and our governmental structures along the divine blueprint that has been proven through a thousand generations.

I call this bioadministration.  Using the human organization of mind, heart, body for our organization of humanity is the fairest, strongest and healthiest reconciliation of our eight billion souls.  And on the other side of this narrow gate there is a new humanity shaped by the journey, the trials and the lessons learned.  Our new government will be born to enshrine our victory just like the American constitution has for two centuries.

I offer a solution based on our Intelligent design and proven by Nature that will be the eye of the storm.  And the birth of the American civilization.


Citadelization as a Tool of Navigation


The American Civilization II