Citadelization as a Tool of Navigation

When I was a young naval officer we were just getting the first satellite navigation and Hewlett-Packard calculators that could do trigonometry.  I was lucky to have been already trained on and practiced the centuries old techniques of celestial astronomy and pencil mathematics.  Many people have asked me how I have discovered these previously uncharted concepts of bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization.  My training in celestial navigation was a key.

First, most celestial navigation occurs during the phase change between night and day.  Both the stars and the horizon must be visible.  So it is at both dawn and dusk where both night and day are revealing themselves is step one.  Next, since “shooting” one star gives only a single line of position, to get a “fix” is only of confidence if the navigator shoots two stars at ninety degrees to each other in the sky.  Then the two lines cross at a right angle. The best “fix” comes when three or more lines cross at a single point from multiple independent stars spread 150 degrees across the sky.  All of this is only possible because of the navigation tables that can give a latitude and longitude on the surface of Earth from a line connecting the center of Earth to each star at any given date and time.  And, of course, one must have the chart of the land and the ocean on which to plot our fix and know where we are heading.

Hopefully, you get the idea that navigating the unknown can be achieved by measuring from multiple lines of position established from known points and finding where they cross.  And the more diverse the direction the lines are coming from improves the accuracy and therefore the truth of our position.  Knowing our position is also dependent upon having a true and accurate map. This is how I navigate the Great Mystery.  I use direct observation, historical tradition and divine revelation as independent lines of position.  Body, mind and heart are my map.

Modern science tends to be a single line of position and why the technocratic nature of our governing structure is failing.  It refuses to take multiple points of truth into its calculation.  One star can be “right” but only accurate by small chance. Even Newtonian physics and quantum physics are yet to be reconciled within the same science much less woven into a universal understanding of reality. The mind can make up all sorts of theories but until they are reconciled with the heart and the body they have little chance of advancing any wealth or understanding.  Splitting the atom has only been restrained by fear (heart) of death (body).

A star could be called a citadel burning in a plasmatic fire of its own essential truth.  I consider the science of chemistry as a citadel.  I can also assign the societal structure of a tribe as a citadel.  Any science or structure that becomes weaker by reducing its size or scope has achieved the level of citadel.  To reduce its size or scope any smaller makes it weaker. For example, I use the molecular structure of water and the societal structure of a tribe as irreducible truths to navigate by because they give reliable lines of position from different points in the sky.

The map of the world is that of a whole human being. Bioadminstration is my map of the world.  It’s a beautiful picture of everything Nature has made us to survive and to thrive.  But a map only becomes personally useful if we know where we are on it.  I have taken many journeys to the edge of our reality to further my understanding, using many different spiritual traditions.  Not to go off the map of bioadministration, but to extend the charted world.

I am a navigator that advises the captain (humanity) of where we are on the map (God and Nature). Before I draw any conclusions from revelations upon these journeys to plot a new feature on the world map, I use the citadels most imbedded within the known world to verify their validity and truth.  I consider humanity my captain, my crew and my ship that I cannot let run aground on the long journey back to the zero point.  Wherever humanity came from it must always return to at the end of the journey, hopefully, with the fruits of understanding from the experience.

We have in different ages followed the leadership of warriors, priests or scientists. None of the three have the whole picture even if these journeys were necessary to draw the map and establish their respective citadels.  I am suggesting it is time to take the holistic approach to navigating our humanity back home by using the multiple stars we can now navigate from.  Leadership of humanity must come from a multi-disciplinary consensus now that we have multiple fixed points and a map to navigate by.

So as you read my blog, now you know I am simply a navigator pointing out the fixed points and the shoals. I am advising, not preaching nor commanding or institutionalizing, on what direction we must sail in to get back home.  I only learned navigation from a deep tradition held and transmitted from the “old salts”.

As much as we are trying to work together as one humanity, I am my own citadel. Life is a fleet exercise on an endless sea.  I have my ship and my direction and I am already home. Salt to taste.


Food of the Gods


The American Civilization III