Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The American Civilization III

In my third part of the trilogy on our American civilization in formation, I will relate to its mental and governmental structure as designed and indicated by bioadministration.  First, we the people, recognize it is as challenging to speak to our current leadership as it is to reason with a three-year-old at the end of a sugar high from the family dinner’s sweet desserts.  Forgive them (us) and have patience.  World War II and then the peaceful end of the Cold War have put the American government, overt and covert, on a massive power trip that is coming to an end in an ugly and childish reintegration with humanity.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

The American Civilization II

There is little doubt a new civilization will be born by humanity.  And soon.  Capitalism has run out of spiritual gas after conquering the world. Will it be a resurrection of the dead i.e. monarchy, communism, tribalism?  Or will it be a continuation of the current drive to fascism or scientific technocracy?  Will we rally around a past “savior” or will a new Messenger arrive with divine revelation?   Some even hope for an off-world, alien solution to save us from ourselves.  How do we birth a new civilization in this minefield?

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David Beilharz David Beilharz

The American Civilization

Modern countries like China, Russia and Iran are resistant to being Westernized because they, rightfully, are the older brothers of human civilization with their own well tested ethos.  Whereas in the West the conglomeration of colonial powers pursuing a one world system have modern industrial and financial technologies that make them both powerful and power hungry.  Power as an ethos is not an attractive quality. It forces its way forward.

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