Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Zero Point III

As a writer, I am yet to be satisfied with my descriptions of the zero point and its purpose.  And perhaps I am too hard on myself because there is yet to be a common language to describe what is essentially a portal to another dimension.  The portal itself, its approach, its “passwords” and what’s on the other side are all hidden mysteries of something called The Great Way or the Gates of Heaven or the spiritual journey among numerous other names whose language and meaning can only be truly understood within the zero point…after the journey has been walked.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Zero Point II

One definition of a zero point is of the one force that remains beneath all others. Our body has gravity as its zero point. Our mind has sunlight as it’s core. Our heart has a magnetic attraction to the feeling of peace and harmony to call us back home.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

The American Civilization II

There is little doubt a new civilization will be born by humanity.  And soon.  Capitalism has run out of spiritual gas after conquering the world. Will it be a resurrection of the dead i.e. monarchy, communism, tribalism?  Or will it be a continuation of the current drive to fascism or scientific technocracy?  Will we rally around a past “savior” or will a new Messenger arrive with divine revelation?   Some even hope for an off-world, alien solution to save us from ourselves.  How do we birth a new civilization in this minefield?

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Water Wise

Let’s have a look at water in the context of our cosmonomic view of the world.  The third force of division and reconciliation as studied by cosmonomics is intimately connected to the substance and characteristics of water.  

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Conscious Suffering

Our modern world is built upon and guided by convenience while our inner world is built upon and guided by suffering. Quite a contradiction, but very true. Most of us know the term “trust fund baby” not as complement but as the prediction of a “shit show”. The lack of suffering shielded by excess wealth, never struggling for food or even too many hot showers and too much central HVAC has done something to the human animal. And it is not healthy.

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