Zero Point II

One definition of a zero point is of the one force that remains beneath all others. Our body has gravity as its zero point. Our mind has sunlight as it’s core. Our heart has a magnetic attraction to the feeling of peace and harmony to call us back home.

And each center uses its zero point as a foundation for the exploration of this temporal thing called life.  The body has chi or anti-gravity for movement counteracting gravity.  The mind writes our own stories upon the light.  And our hearts have created ego and personality adaptations to wall ourselves off from the zero point of Eternity.

And each center can persist afterlife.  Our bodies can leave physical structures we have built. Our minds can remember the memories of those who have passed.  Over time, these structures and memories fade because they only exist within a closed ecosystem with more powerful recycling centers.

The real story of life and the zero point lies in the heart and those treasures we have laid up in Eternity. The feeling of peace and harmony we create from the bits and pieces of all the competing forces of division is our stairway to Eternity and the ante for another game in another dimension.  This mysterious reconciling third force we are drawn to produce and hide or surrender to the zero point is at the core of human purpose for ourselves and for the cosmos.

This place in our hearts we are instinctually drawn to we name as worship, spirituality and wonder are simply connections to another dimension as inescapable as gravity and as guiding as sunlight are in this dimension.  No matter how far we stray in thought and movement and feeling from the zero point, everything we do and everything we are revolves around its core vibration.  Life on Earth, scientifically and spiritually, is only valuable in as much as it remains ultimately connected to the zero point.

Cosmonomics, the science of man’s place within the cosmic body and economy, is built upon the division and reconciliation of life force as the regulators of the capacity and discharge of what humans call harmony within the biosphere of Earth. This feeling we call harmony designating the zero point is the further refinement and use of water and electricity only possible within a heart.  One day we will talk about how water is a storage vessel and electricity is a re-creation of the third force called harmony.

Each heart has its own magnetic field transmuting various levels of external divisions back into harmony.  Planet Earth is a bigger heart spinning in a magnetic field transmuting bits of cosmic debris into what we call water, electricity and the magnetic field itself.  Look around.  Any body rotating within a magnetic field is the same principal we have discovered and tapped into with the billions of smaller electric motors we use everyday.  These motors have a switch connecting them to a larger spinning generator at the electricity generating plant.  And the demand upon the electrical grid varies from day to night, hot to cold.

The regulation of the response to the external demand for energy from the cosmos flows through us. We humans are the regulators of the feeling of life and possibly even emotion within our solar system. When we are expressing life through feelings of division we are charging the battery of our body made by the temporarily irreconcilable contradictions charging the positive and negatives poles. What we call our ego supported by our stories we tell ourselves and the tensions we store in our tissues are the potential energy like the gasoline in the tank of our cars and trucks waiting for some greater Force or need of our solar system to step on the gas or the brake.

Our day to day actions, our repetitive stories and feelings with no special feeling are humanity acting as the transmission wires life is flowing through.  We are also the regulator of reconciliation within the heart and its connection to the zero point.  Unfortunately, when the cosmos comes a calling for reconciliation and its third force many humans die in the process.  Death is an uncontrolled recapitulation and reconciliation of all our stored contradictions into harmony.

We humans judge the role of the Devil and the chaos of war, famine and disease in forcing us to surrender our contradictions trough suffering and death.  That same force we call the Devil stops us from accidentally falling into an unauthorized mass expenditure of humanity’s battery. Its just a job folks assigned by higher authority.  Best not to fear it nor worship it. Just understand its purpose.

The zero point are the gates of Heaven. They are both inescapable and guarded.  A revisiting of the Christian doctrine of conscious suffering and willing forgiveness and also the harsher and older stories of willing human and animal sacrifice to “appease the gods” with these eyes that now better see and understand the zero point may reveal to you a lighted stairway to heaven.

Knowing our human purpose for the cosmos and helping guiding our way home to the zero point is cosmonomics.


A Case for Bioadministration

