Zero Point III
As a writer, I am yet to be satisfied with my descriptions of the zero point and its purpose. And perhaps I am too hard on myself because there is yet to be a common language to describe what is essentially a portal to another dimension. The portal itself, its approach, its “passwords” and what’s on the other side are all hidden mysteries of something called The Great Way or the Gates of Heaven or the spiritual journey among numerous other names whose language and meaning can only be truly understood within the zero point…after the journey has been walked.
It could be said that Shakespeare invented the language for romantic love to pull the Western Civilization out of its dark ages. God blessed him with a genius he mastered and imparted for that age. Today romantic love has swung way passed the healthy center and is more a pied piper leading the rats out of town. But just like romantic love was a tactical response to a burden the Catholic church and the Reformation put upon the hearts of humanity, today there needs to be a new facet revealed in the diamond heart that connects man and God.
We have our instinctual love of children, pets and everything fresh and innocent. We have our urges to worship God, gods and human stars. We have romantic love leading to sexual union raised to a potentially transcendent state. We even have the latest self help, psychoanalysis and plant medicine initiations to remember our love of ourselves. But our minds today are so powerful and disconnected from love. With cosmonomics, I am attempting to reveal to our mind another facet of love as a tangible substance and also reveal a conscious understanding of the human place within the economy of love.
In many ways the zero point and its magnetic pull we humans have named love has been something humans just did on instinct, even if it meant suffering or death. I am offering a relationship with the zero point and love which evolves humanity beyond simply being a milk cow into a co-creative magician with your own life force. Of course, in taking control of your own personal stream of creative third force means that something unseen is losing access.
Just the idea of taking sovereignty of yourself and your energy output is automatically disturbing. The whole idea of demons from ancient religion has today become our imbedded patterns and childhood wounds in modern psychology. The repeated actions of a human producing some type of emotion will always have a receptacle for that energy be they memories, habits, angels, demons or whatever we have called that which visits for payment. With cosmonomics, I am revealing what is hidden and proposing having fewer mouths to feed between you and the zero point. This leaves our energy for our own evolution and a more personal relationship with our Creator.
Meditation is a journey to zero point. Worship will lead you there too. So will intense suffering. Death must resolve to the zero point or this place will be shut down. My different way for this age is to connect science and logic to love. To begin your journey to zero point with cosmonomics is to lay down a framework of common everyday facts and scientific knowledge which leads to the inescapable solution that humanity was made for love.
Perhaps the hardest journey to the zero point is for a strong willed mind to bow down to the ultimate power of love. The true king sits on a throne in our heart, not the mind nor the body. It was so obvious to the martial and bodily dominated cultures of our human past that the king or the chief must be brave in heart above all else. And to live from the heart is to be a wise leader. In this age today of our mentally led modern order of scientific invention we have yet to make all the fatal mistakes that the constant warfare of the past mirrored when led by the body…. but we are getting close. Our modern world and its corporate structure have so lost their connection to heart and are on the verge of complete humiliation at best and conscious evil at worst.
The leaders with the heart brave enough to say no to the mind for the sake of love will always win and become the new kings. I am offering you your own crown and your own throne in the center of your heart. If you do not have the bravery to sit there then some other human or unseen entity will be living off your third force, your Life itself. The zero point is the way to your own empowerment that can be seen from any point in our reality if we are ready to look.
Having a common language is step one, on the journey. I am going to steal the word love back from Shakespeare and give it to the mystics who knew love through the love of God. But with no gurus or priests or other intermediate transducers required. Until this century we did not have the scientific understanding to be able to hear the language of those humans who knew God’s love and own it for ourselves by a journey from mind to heart.
Love is the neutralizing force that lives in every battery between the positive and negative poles. Harmony is the reconciler of order and chaos. And the mind will look and look forever at the three body problem of physics and see no solution until it realizes there is a zero point from which all bodies emerge from and must return to. The only solution lives outside of time and often beyond our understanding.
There’s no escape and the only doorway in or out, the zero point, lies in the heart. When you are sitting on the throne in your own heart then our mind and our body both will submit and know who they must serve. Only then are we fully human when nothing else is required between ourself and our Maker.
The zero point is the bull’s eye. It is always visible, and patiently waiting to be seen.