Enslaving Tyrant

The enslaving of one human by another has been illegal for well over a century in the civilized world.  Even the abuse within rigid patriarchies of women and children is dying out. But the mental enslavement of one’s own heart and body is rampant. 

Electrification and programmed light have thrown the human organism out of balance.  The food of the mind, information and sugar, has become nearly free while the foods that feed the heart and body are on a starvation diet.  Attention, the center point of our consciousness, while awake, is held captive within the brain.  

Like King Theoden in Tolkien’s The Two Towers is drugged and enchanted by his own traitorous wizard, we humans have let our attention become enslaved by voices in our heads that need constant reinforcement and nourishment to the detriment of being, health and of understanding.  Attention in the heart is prayer and meditation and attention in the body gives valuable feedback to prevent chronic illness and aging from setting in.  But our modern world loves to encourage being enslaved to our mind.  Why?

The democratization of knowledge thru books and then the internet has been a major advancement for humanity.  The dumb animal jobs are nearly all mechanized and the incentive to train every human to their ability is noble.  We are all becoming experts, at least, at our own life. Hoorah!  The real question for any human advancement is…what are the consequences of this disturbance?

The human organism is an elegant biological system that has discovered complex life and stayed alive by a counterbalancing homeostasis to new changes.  All this abundant food to feed the mind has already been responded to…in the short run.  We have pornography and sleeping pills for the body.  The heart has endless rom-coms on TV and a plethora of dating and hook-up sites to surf on the internet.  If love and sex weren’t so vital to life’s mission we could let the mind be the imaginer of the real.

Last posting we discussed Southwest Airlines’ fall from its kingship by attempting to force its patriarchic mental solution to a heart and body problem. And that organization effectively put the mind to sleep, powerless, except to watch the meltdown.  How close is our federal government to being put in this same position?  They even teased us with the COVID lockdown.  We not only became more resilient, the governmental mind demonstrated their complete incompetence.  If Washington was any more capable at enslavement we would already have rebooted it.

What if this drive to become overly mental is natural?  Due to the seasons and the need to protect life over the winter freeze, nature has developed death and rebirth for plant life.  In the fall, at the change of seasons, an annual plant will begin to desiccate its leaves and its stems and put all its energy into forming seeds that can restart life after the winter cold.  Are humans desiccating their own body and heart to stuff all their information and life force into the mind and our memories into the ether? To ride out a coming winter?

There is little doubt that humanity has reached some type of boundary, natural or imposed.  Is there an imbedded race memory of a past cataclysm we are unconsciously reacting to?  Is there a regular harvest time by forces and beings we have yet to remember?  Is there a special event in our future driving us to this mental reaction even to the detriment of our human life?  Are these inventions making our minds so powerful a gift from God or a trojan horse from a force hostile to humanity? 

These are all plausible theories and ideas as to why we humans are leaving the safe center we have always known.  Family, community, and fellowship are all group activities that keep us strong and keep us citadel-ized.  Is this an evolutionary first contact with the cosmos or a natural harvest that will leave our bodies behind?

I fully accept that all the above may be happening to humanity.  Bioadministration has many defenses against mental dominance. Sleep and remorse are my top two choices.  And we can see through the fall of empires, be they business or political, the mind naturally getting its permanent reboot.  Bioadministration also teaches us that humanity has its role in the greater body of the cosmos and cannot be simply wiped out by any means without severely affecting the greater life of which humanity is a functioning part.  

Yes, we are approaching a narrow gate of initiation. Again.  And we are all decedents of the three centered organization called being human who were perfected by all the regular and special events the cosmos has in store for us as Earthlings.  Those ancestors used their minds but were not seduced or ruled by them. Even if it took the simplest thought of gathering together in puppy piles to keep warm, heart and body were a co-equal part of any and every solution.

So today, ask yourself. Are you getting more green and wet or brown and dry?  Is your mind invading your heart and body and who is it ruling your mind?  Beware the enslaving tyrant within.

Any voice without love and compassion for self and body will not lead a human home or Home.


The Heart Citadel II


Zero Point III