The Heart Citadel II

Several posts back on the subject of citadelization we discussed the heart as a citadel with respect to ego formation and dissolution during the human journey and how this defensive perimeter regulates the production, storage and use of the neutralizing and reconciling force so critical to the arising and sustaining of life on Earth and in the solar system. Today, we will explore the expanded citadel around the heart’s zero point from the aspect of bioadministration’s structural support of this vital defensive structure.

The pH (acid/alkaline balance) of our arterial blood flow back into our heart is the master number that nearly every function of the body adjusts around or adjusts itself to maintain.  The healthy range is an incredibly narrow 7.35-7.45 compared with the extreme outer edges of life being stomach acid as low as 1.5 pH and bone calcium having a pH up to 13.  We walk around nearly unconscious to the incredible dance that centers upon this narrow range.

Our rate of breathing to expel or retain carbonic acid, our urination to retain or expel uric acid and the density of our bones to buffer an acidic diet are constantly being adjusted.  There are five different internal mechanisms within the body to buffer the pH that if overwhelmed will cause outward reactions as extreme as vomiting, fainting, shaking, nausea, even addictions like smoking cigarettes as an all-consuming reaction to the arterial blood pH being out of bounds. And this just scratches the surface of a supercomputer level of complexity around one thing…. the functioning access to zero point in our heart as measured by arterial blood pH.

Some spiritual practices will force the pH out of bounds to have flashes of transcendent experience. There are several popular methods taught openly today on the internet like Whim Hof’s breathing technique which both hyperventilates and restricts breath and forces one to face the citadel of unconscious control of our breath and the fear associated with its violation.  Stan Grof invented holotropic breathwork decades ago to simulate the experiences he was having with LSD after it was made illegal.  The point here is the attempted violating of the zero point will actually trigger an uncontrolled recapitulation into the zero point and actually make it stronger along with the sensitivity of the body’s regulating processes.

So with these two data points, one, our bodies being organized around keeping homeostasis as measured by pH and, two, the fact that access to the spiritual domain can be triggered by attempting to manipulate the body’s natural functions we can see that life has a target.  We call that target zero point at the center of our heart.  

We can even say that the body will do everything, even exit life, before allowing the zero point to be violated.  Where the heart citadel is emotionally buffered by the ego wall, here we see the entire body is the citadel for the heart’s central connection to the zero point.  Everything our curious and often ignorant minds do to throw ourselves out of balance while exploring life is defended by deeper parts of our mind and the body’s single focused drive to maintain homeostasis and access to zero point. 

Free will, believe me, is a crowning achievement at a galactic scale for our human experience here on Earth and is only possible with the consequences of free will being righted back to homeostasis. The divine internal structure and organization of our body, heart and mind down to the molecular, chemical level is a defensive citadel to maintain access to zero point from any living point we humans can invent, explore and consume. Free will and zero point are binary opposites connected by an organ of transmutation that is us, the human.

So maybe you have a little better understanding and appreciation for our reality, its laws and your life in it.  Free will can only be allowed within an inviolable structure.  Rules and laws can be broken by free will and you will die…into the zero point.  There is no escape or free will would not be possible.  

Earth is a genie’s lamp and our Creator is the only hand to rub it and ask for wishes.  The hidden secret and the secret goal is that our body is our own magic lamp if we know how to fill it with magic and keep other hands from rubbing it empty. 

All life in this solar system evolves along with humanity and it is only possible because we live inside a self-correcting, self-healing biological citadel and biosphere capable of transmuting opposing energies into the one doorway, zero point. 

You are that citadel and you are that doorway and you are the magic in the lamp.


Cleansing as Ritual


Enslaving Tyrant