Cleansing as Ritual

I described recently some of my tools of analysis used within this Institute and in my writings. I never theorize without rock-solid confirmation from the human blueprint.  I reveal my reconciliations of divided knowledge and understanding where previously apparent opposites become aligned. And I also use the wisdom traditions, both overt and covert, handed down through the centuries as confirmatory. Today we are going to explore the confirmatory traditions of ritual cleansing regarding cosmonomics.

Remember cosmonomic’s core theory of human purpose for the cosmos is as a generator and storage device of the neutral force.  We humans know this neutral force as emotions of varying degree of harmony.  Sometimes humans are acting more on the devil’s side of the scale (division) and sometimes more on the Christ side (reconciliation), but all emotions are potential energy eventually refined into powerful enzymatic level substances bordering upon the edge of human comprehension of the energetic realm and therefore called magical. 

We humans do not yet understand the nature of this third force stored between the positive and the negative poles. We know love and harmony and we know pain and suffering, but we do not know ourselves as conscious creators of this magical substance. What we have figured out over the centuries from trial and error and from divine messengers are pathways to reconciliation.  And this turn towards repentance always has the frequency of cleansing and ritual in combination.  See it manifest as crying, deeply feeling shame, fasting or baptism for individuals and scapegoating, punishments, executions and sacrifice for tribes. War and peace are the ultimate ritual cleansers between civilizations.

If we look at every major religion, especially the patriarchies of Judaism and Islam, ritual cleansing is at the core of their religion to amplify the power of their prayers and ceremony.  This act of submission to authority is beneficial to the supplicant as well as to the frequency of the devotion.  It also acts as a tool of separation from the “unclean” as a method to prevent dissonant voices and energies from entering the ceremonial worship and therefore, enhancing resonance.  Strip away the patina and it is a basic lawful method of using harnessed neutral force to create a container of separation, a church. Every human with an ego used the same law of creation.

What religion sets up in a culture are rigid rules of division.  There is harmony within each church while out on the street there is division.  These patriarchic religions grew out of a group of humans who started to separate themselves from the nature worship/body pleasure forms of human expression.  Washing hands and face, anointing with oils, abstinence from sex and many other rituals of cleansing were found to create separation and a greater sense of self, even if the cleansing ritual helped in formation through judgment of other humans less clean and pure.  Again check your own ego before you cast the first stone.

From the cosmonomic view of potential life on Earth, this division between the patriarchic and matriarchic religions, of Father and Mother, of the left and right-handed paths has been a great advancement of the potential contradictions able to be carried within humanity.  Every battery has two completely opposite substances to create the storage container. Both sides used their own form of cleansing ritual to intensify their connection to their imagined source and consequently their separation from the “other”.  But like the yin/yang symbol of the Tao, they are locked into a perpetual dance whether at war or in peace, but still as a two-pole battery with no juice. 

When a culture births the Tao or Christianity or any new religion which sees the perpetual dance of good and evil, right and wrong, left and right as simply a vortex around a center or zero point then there is the opportunity for true harmony.  When two becomes three then the inherent instability must have a response from a higher dimension of intelligence to keep the system “alive”.  Gurdjieff in his broken English simply said “hand wash hand”. Cleansing is ritual and ritual is cleansing when we understand the power humans have to be the soap that makes oil and water mix. 

So the next time you are reading and questioning cosmonomics and third force in one of my blogs, go to the sink and put a little soap on your hands. Rub them together.  See if you can divide your attention into each hand independently, like two strangers checking each other out intimately.  See the soap bubble up as a third thing separate, but from, the two hands. Feel the connection bringing to the surface energies that are incomplete being shed through the soap and the water down the drain. 

Reconciliation through ritual cleansing goes down into the Earth and up into the Heavens.  Spirits in both realms are hungry to rid you of your burden.  Judgment is often glorified and sickness is often shunned.  But both are forms of ritual cleansing necessary to keep life refreshed and reveal the real target….the zero point is the final and ultimate soul scrubber.   


Artificial Versus Natural Intelligence


The Heart Citadel II