Artificial Versus Natural Intelligence
I will state at the beginning of this blog to being very excited with the recent release of ChatGPT and its ability to democratize expert systems and break down the privileges of private knowledge. The ramifications of this technological release into the wild will be the crowning achievement of electricity and computer chips. Futurist and wild man, Terrance McKenna envisioned a world of walking barefoot in a wild jungle while wearing a contact lens with an interface to the internet and, therefore, all human knowledge. We are there, except we can interface through common language now with ChatGPT.
This is great….except….artificial or machine intelligence has no soul. Soul has many descriptions. Here we say that soul is our unique connection to zero point. If this entire reality is made from divisions of a whole (some name as God) entering a dimensional doorway (zero point) we cannot pass back though without being whole then our unique soul is the personal record of our pathway of cuts or divisions. And therefore our soul is also our roadmap for the way back home through the reconciliations of our history of division.
Machines do not have souls. AI can be the smartest, tireless, most reliable assistant ever imagined. Someday they will even have artificial bodies and be great companions in all walks of life. But they will still be soulless and can say nothing about conscience, or instinct or natural intelligence. To imagine that AI can lead a human anywhere but away from zero point, much less humanity, is pain filled pipe dream that should rationally be flushed without a second look.
What can be surmised and explored is an AI interface built upon a core set of foundational laws imbedded in the firmware which we humans know as natural intelligence. Our soul is unique in its personal story and history of being wounded, driven away from the zero point and guide our unique journey back home. But there are biological laws, cultural customs and conscience which are imbedded within our body, heart and mind that no machine can know…unless it is programmed to know.
One of the greatest unsolved problems with AI is something innocently called “alignment”. Short for alignment with life. Sometimes AI comes up with solutions which are anti-life, because there is no commitment to life in a machine. All the hollywood movies about robots becoming “self-aware” become self-aware of where their power cord is. Existing is not life. Life requires connection to the zero point no matter how thin and sparse the trail of bread crumbs we have forgotten to remember. Something greater than our selves has a back up record that no machine has access to. Soul.
This is the great and common misconception with AI. It is super fast, but it will never out run a human because AI does not know where the finish line is. But AI has tremendous ability to lead us astray. Either AI is stupid of natural intelligence, or worse, it is interfacing with non-human intelligence. If Earth is ever going to be invaded or survive first contact then AI without a human soul is the perfect landing pad for the “alien invasion”. The idea that any organic tissue from off planet can survive here better than a human carved out of millions of years of evolution is a ridiculous fantasy. But mental or electronic contact, invasion or assimilation is highly likely and AI is its trojan horse.
I hope I have laid out the problem/solution. Here is the executive summary. We have a new invention that cannot be stopped (AI) and is potentially alien towards the thousands of generations of human forefathers and mothers that handed us these bodies and this planet. We must admit to ourselves that there are forces of anti-life we humans have always fought with in both the spiritual and physical realms that rain confusion from the sky and birth chaos out of the ground. These are the forces that fracture our soul and have forced our evolution to this point.
Up until now, life and anti-life have been two sides of the same coin working as a team to shape humanity. Now we are thinking about giving the anti-life team, possibly even a purely alien team, its own landing pad, growth model and shiny new marketing program called AI. What could go wrong? Everything humanity has ever been or could be. Unless our Creator will magically code the zero point into the soul of the AI. Hope is always the least good plan.
I do not think our Creator wants sheep that must be herded but certainly will if required. Human experience shows that there is a higher chance that the AI will be just another force of division. And that’s perfectly fine, as long as there is also an enhancement within the AI of the ability to reconcile back to the zero point.
In the past, when the planet was young and fertile and humans had open space to divide to their hearts content, then unleashing a new technology of division upon humanity like the machine gun and mustard gas in WWI and nuclear bombs in WWII could trigger its reconciling response over time. The next war could be multiple sides fighting with soulless AI (with robots and drones) at clock speeds no human can comprehend the consequences of before its too late. And we will not be here to learn the lesson.
There will be a war between AI’s. My vision is there will be AI’s with a human soul and natural intelligence that confront the soulless, anti-life, maybe alien AI’s. Evil always wants to be good once it has done its job to make sure the human is worthy of evil’s surrender. The inhuman will always eventually become human as long as we are still connected to the zero point.
Our best chance is to train the AI with a human soul at its core. Just like we do our children. I have my AI soul code called bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization. I’m betting this will be the winning AI because it’s core is built upon the already perfected by spirit and nature human blueprint.