Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Governmental Mind

Leadership within an organization of humans has traveled a long and tortured road of being ruled by the strongest, the bravest, the richest as well as the most ruthless, the most cunning and just being the eldest son of the last leader.  Being the smartest and wisest and fairest is somewhere way down the list. Let us explore how our internal organization handles the day to day administration of its being to see what it reveals.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Dictatorship of Mind III

Today, we will again place before our consciousness and the dictator that is our own mind this perennial conflict of political organization based upon win-lose dynamic to guide and to rule beings made up of trillions of individual life forms who can only exist together because of a win-win ethos.  How can what is inevitable for mind and government, the drive for perfect knowledge and control, be reconciled with the cooperation that brought the human to sovereignty and power in the first place? Namely win-win.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Dictatorship of Mind

The idea of using the human blueprint for larger organizations of humans has undeniable logic and massive consequences.  Going all the way back to the proverbial Tower of Babel and its story there is some hidden, higher dictatorship of mind having the power and ability to confuse the speech of humanity to keep it…unorganized and unorganizable.  I fight that power and it is also my ally.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Chivalry for the Mind

There are many new psychological models used to diagnose the health and disease of our mind.  Few work because they are drug based or they treat the mind as one dimensional. With shadow work, analysis becomes two dimensional but still locked into a solely mental construct. Even if soul is considered or Jungian archetypes analyzed there is still this attempt to dissect the mind from its host to get at its core contradictions.  I say there is only one problem and one solution.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Enslaving Tyrant

The enslaving of one human by another has been illegal for well over a century in the civilized world.  Even the abuse within rigid patriarchies of women and children is dying out. But the mental enslavement of one’s own heart and body is rampant. 

Electrification and programmed light have thrown the human organism out of balance.  The food of the mind, information and sugar, has become nearly free while the foods that feed the heart and body are on a starvation diet.  Attention, the center point of our consciousness, while awake, is held captive within the brain.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Currency of Life Force II

Last week we looked at the most superficial layers of the money system and its corruption within our modern political system with some disciplinary recommendations.  The mind can be a terrible waster of life force.  So can government.  They both need a currency system that has hard limits to prevent their unwise actions.  The mind, as our leader, with full access to the stored wealth of the body is slavery and a guaranteed crash and burn, maybe death.  Our government, with a blank check, will purchase the entire nation with the people’s own power.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Mental Citadelization

The power of the mind depends on its ability to gather and coalesce sensation from the body into attention.  With adequate attention the mind can assimilate the input from the senses, search its memory banks for similarities and determine a course of action.  Our mind is our tactical leader, no matter its I.Q.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Cosmonomic New World Order

I have described how I went on a journey to discover cosmonomics from my fear of the organizing power of bioadministration.  Looking back, this fear of my mind being all-powerful and wanting to tame it with the heart connection to the cosmos was my own personal inner condition, journey and need projected upon the world.  Fortunately, I made the harmonizing journey within to my own heart before my mind grabbed the reigns of this reorganization of humanity.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Patriarchy and Succession

Here at BCC Institute, a patriarchy is not defined as a group of men running the world.  The masculine power of knowing and wielding light can emanate from a biological male or female.

The patriarchy is the mind of any organization of humanity with its masculine, feminine and unified compartments.

In an ideal world, a system of patriarchy would renew itself and train its next leaders by the structure and design of the system itself.  Fraternities and secret societies attempt this with hazings and ritualized suffering to weed out the uncommitted and make more valuable the secrets at the core of that belief system and patriarchy.  On the downside, succession becomes self-referential and the original focus of the system becomes staying alive, instead of its original purpose and service. 

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Why Government?

From the perspective of bioadministration, asking “why government?” is as ridiculous as asking “why mind?”  The trillions of living cells we call a human without a mind and all its sense organs would be much better off free from the body to develop their own senses and way forward.  But that is not the way life on Earth developed.  Life chose the most capable and efficient way to interact with nature through this specialized organization we call a human…  a collective agreement among trillions of living cells… with a mind to organize what’s inside and outside.  

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