The Dictatorship of Mind

The idea of using the human blueprint for larger organizations of humans has undeniable logic and massive consequences.  Going all the way back to the proverbial Tower of Babel and its story there is some hidden, higher dictatorship of mind having the power and ability to confuse the speech of humanity to keep it…unorganized and unorganizable.  I fight that power and it is also my ally.

My own mind is filled with contradictions, opposing points of view, that keep me from being my own dictator.  I could have easily become a dictatorial psychopath in my own mind, imposed it upon my own heart and body and then continued to eat every opposing thought in my path. Thank whatever higher Dictatorship who intervened and prevented that from happening in me. I am a confusion of tongues like an Imperial court in my mind, allowing my heart to be the true king.  But that is seeing the end from the beginning.

Humanity organized and humanity too dangerous to organize as both true is an extremely high level of contradiction I will attempt to reconcile in a few paragraphs.  This idea of bioadministration is founded upon the fact that everything we see and know is built upon one model, as above, so below.  Fractal patterns are everywhere and the law of harmonics ties causes and effects into a wholeness that cannot be broken, only wounded and confused.  Humans are most useful to the cosmos in that we can bare incredible contradictions and not lose the essence of our own unified divinity.  Order and chaos dancing in one package.

Our minds cannot give up the drive to organize.  Our bodies know how useful and necessary this drive to organize is and still it cannot trust the dictatorship of the mind.  The compromise within the divine blueprint is to give the body the power of sensations and the mind the power of memory.  Sensation, without memory, is chaos.  Memory is the concretization of sensation to build the citadel of the self within the chaos.  Memory and sensation are opposing partners. The magical middle of the two together at play is free attention and life’s innate ability to react, to change, to learn, to grow.

The dictatorship of the mind has been tamed by control of sensations and their condensation into attention.  The body can put the mind to sleep simply by withdrawing sensation back into each individual cell and sending the mind off to the unorganizable chaos that is the unconscious mind.  The terror of mental surrender of control is a disciplinary nightly event imposed upon the mind. Institutionalizing the Tower of Babel moment every night is the solution to the dictator of the mind.

Bioadministration is only safely applicable to human organization when the governor of donated attention has been safely kept hidden from the dictator of the mind.  This goes with humans, families, tribes, cities and whole countries. Every organization allowed near total control of the mind with all its necessary empowerment is only safe to participate in, if, it has a power cord and a light switch.

We know we need an organizing force and a place to draw and donate our attention to separate ourselves from the chaos of an attention free world we visit every night.  Our mind wakes up hungry for sensation and the body is nearly desperate for any organizing center of attention.  Governments are formed as greater organizations of the mind we know at some level is both our savior and our enemy.  There will be mind.  There will be government.

Up until now we have yet to discover the blueprint for how to gently overthrow the dictatorship of the mind for large human organizations without experiencing large and sustained bouts of chaos.  Having no central point of attention for all waking sensation does not work.  The vacuum only invites confrontation between competing dictators.

We will never banish the dictator of the mind.  We can only train it to behave once it realizes the terror that there is a greater dictator that can impose a Tower of Babel moment of complete collapse of all organization.  Humanity must have the ability to be ungovernable to be able to withdraw the organizing power from our governmental mind.

To be continued…


Memory, Routine and Citadelization


Second Conscious Shock