Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Dictatorship of Mind III

Today, we will again place before our consciousness and the dictator that is our own mind this perennial conflict of political organization based upon win-lose dynamic to guide and to rule beings made up of trillions of individual life forms who can only exist together because of a win-win ethos.  How can what is inevitable for mind and government, the drive for perfect knowledge and control, be reconciled with the cooperation that brought the human to sovereignty and power in the first place? Namely win-win.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Dictatorship of Mind

The idea of using the human blueprint for larger organizations of humans has undeniable logic and massive consequences.  Going all the way back to the proverbial Tower of Babel and its story there is some hidden, higher dictatorship of mind having the power and ability to confuse the speech of humanity to keep it…unorganized and unorganizable.  I fight that power and it is also my ally.

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