The Dictatorship of Mind III

Today, we will again place before our consciousness and the dictator that is our own mind this perennial conflict of political organization based upon win-lose dynamic to guide and to rule beings made up of trillions of individual life forms who can only exist together because of a win-win ethos.  How can what is inevitable for mind and government, the drive for perfect knowledge and control, be reconciled with the cooperation that brought the human to sovereignty and power in the first place? Namely win-win.

In the past, we had the archetype of the father in a family and a patriarchy in community with their duty and responsibility to protect, to guide and to govern.  That historical center of gravity and tradition tied to human expression of our hopes for an all powerful and all seeing God who loves us is the cradle of humanity.  We are no longer babies.  Humanity has the mind of a teenager who has yet to have their own children and the harmonizing wisdom that comes from the mind’s inevitable attempts to punish the free, the young and the innocent into submission.

This is truly a dangerous time for humanity, when the old traditional order of fatherhood and patriarchy having the tight grip of control, which must pass away and onward, but before the mind has made enough mistakes to garner some level of wisdom. For several millennia we had a religion, Christianity, born under the iron rule of Rome as the antidote and healing salve to dictatorship in its late stages of ignorance and collapse.  Today, I am proposing a new model of human organization where the father principal is not over burdened or out of balance and therefore needing regular periods of collapse.

Bioadministration is the first fully formed political organization modeled upon the living human and Nature’s answer to the three body problem.  Mind and government, in bioadministration, know their duty and responsibility and limits because they are modeled after a truly living and adaptable organization.  A human.  The people and the cells of the body know their duty and responsibility to serve the mind and to keep it in check.  The heart and its connection to the transcendent realm knows their power  and harmonizing duties also.

Is it any wonder how beautifully a nuclear family of father, mother and child models the three body solution that is the single living human?  Is it any wonder how screwed up our political and religious organizations are and how enslaved or adrift the people are in the modern structure of modern life when there is no principal beyond competition to stay alive?

Win-lose is a cycle of life evolution uses to force humans into collective win-win community structures.  Like the Devil is a tool in God’s arsenal, win-lose is a tool of evolution to be wielded with care and precision.  The Devil is supposed to lose for the greater harmony to win.  Capitalism is a tool of win-lose to force evolution and then to be transcended.  A nuclear family cannot thrive as a capitalistic structure.  On the other hand, a species without win-lose possibility will devolve into lose-lose.

In spiritual terms, the Christ, the Devil and the two as One is the perfect compliment to the mind, body and heart as a method of balance and control that makes existence a living thing.  Not any one center can be asleep or ejected for long without the whole being suffering and dying.  And the conscious mind faced with choice is the least developed of the three.  The Devil gets all the dirty work and so does our mind and our government.  They are by their nature required to play a role that stimulates the entire being into a maturity by experience.

So yes, the song Sympathy for the Devil is a legitimate truth.  Government is the place of collection for those humans who naturally rebel against God, or against the body and the people.  Accept that as part of the divine plan.  Mind and government will be dictators by nature and by immaturity.

The real question and the challenge of human life is to solve the three body problem…how to be truly alive, not a program in a machine.  The dictatorship of mind is a vital third and, as the least evolved and the most open to infection, the most easily lost.  Do not allow your mind or your government to remain lost for long.  It needs redemption and a safe place to reboot.

There is only winning together or losing together.  Win/lose is the Devil’s trick to train the dictatorship of the mind. Wake up.


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