Optimizing Specialization Versus Optimizing Simplicity

When we think about joining our individual life force with other humans for work, for play, for growth or for security, there is a decision matrix of specialization versus simplicity that effects the capability and resilience of our group.  Our world was just forced through a major test case for complex globalization during the COVID pandemic.  It would be good to explore this distasteful test case.

Before COVID there was little to no question about the benefits of increasing specialization and complexity for the sake of the entire modern human organization we called globalism.  After COVID, there has been a perfectly rational re-examination of this drive for efficiency over resiliency, interdependence versus self-reliance, specialization versus simplicity.  This was not just a repudiation of the former, but a rediscovery of the values of resiliency, self-reliance and simplicity.  What citadelization honors and enshrines.

Where there was only one way, increasing specialization, complexity and interdependency supporting the world order, now there are two camps fully awake and ready to defend their own position and philosophy.  The Fourth Turning has become very popular in describing this part of a civilization’s life cycle and its crisis moments. Wars, revolutions and economic depressions are synonymous with these times of reformation.  The trigger for these world changing conflicts is wrapped up in soul conflict of specialization versus simplicity.

What if we could find a way to optimize both specialization and simplicity thus avoiding their epoch defining conflict?  Is there already a model organization fine tuned and tested to optimize the benefits of both specialization and simplicity?  How about the human organism?  Trillions of cells all fitting into roughly 200 unique DNA codings.  Each one of us is a perfected reconciliation of specialization and simplicity all because Nature and the will to live as our teacher and task master has shaped the human into the finest example of optimized complexity with optimized simplicity.

I invite us to compare our human blueprint against the present conflict between globalization and sovereignty we face today to see if we can divine the resolved end state of this inner conflict.  If we could go to the inevitable outcome and skip the warfare, would we?  What is the end state Nature regularly forces us into? Orgasm? Enlightenment? The Peace that surpasses all understanding?  Do we need the argument to have great make-up sex?  Do we need the oppressive pressure to receive the epiphany? Can we feel worship without an object or person as target?

Everything we desire for our world is simply an expression of inner forces of attraction and repulsion upon which Life has been coded.  Outside there is conflict, with whole religions dedicated to reminding us we can never earn peace and ease.  Inside there is the drive to establish heaven on Earth and return to the Garden of Eden.  Neither side is wrong, unless they exclude the other.  It is the contradiction of irreconcilable opposites locked into endless loops that is the dance of life.  Specialization and simplicity are married for life.

So as we navigate this apparent conflict between specialization and simplicity, between mind and body, between bioadministration and citadelization, remember their reconciliation is the goal.  If the globalists and technocracy and digital money actually actually succeed in perfect control of humanity they will kill 90% of us.  If the anarchists and the sovereignty zealots win then they will take away 90% of the benefits of our modern world.  If they serve Life then they will find their rightful optimized state with each other.

A Fourth Turing or whatever we call these times is upon us.  It must be faced.  The only question is how humanity returns to a new homeostasis, through war and exhaustion or through vision and harmony.  Bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization is my invitation to using the divine blueprint of being human for humanity’s redemption.

Humanity for humans.  It seems simple and special together.


Weapon of Mass Reconciliation


The Dictatorship of Mind III