Weapon of Mass Reconciliation

Almost two decades ago, I authored a paper named Weapon of Mass Reconciliation.  My reason for the name and the timing were the lack of finding the WMD justification for the Iraq Invasion and the initial “mission accomplished” claim was fast becoming premature.  Looking back from here and in the middle of another charnel house in Ukraine, I feel called to revisit this application of cosmonomics to explain the conscious or unconscious use of this “weapon”.

In my paper, I introduced a very old public policy tool to the modern political culmination of our current understanding of life on Earth known as Western Enlightenment.  Namely human sacrifice.  We had become so far removed from any true understanding of the human duty and responsibility in life and death to the cosmos.  Politicians in Washington were at the height of their hubris from the fall of the Soviet Union and the unipolar moment had arrived….and we Americans played the part….swallowing hook, line and sinker.  The idea that we were the new priests performing the very ancient practice of human sacrifice was meant to be a shock therapy.

To review a basic premise of cosmonomics, the biosphere of Earth is a battery charged with contradictions, countless pluses and minuses that stay in dynamic tension spinning in endless loops.  Personal contradictions of accumulated memorize sensations make each human’s ego shell around their heart.  Large, historical division of races, ethnicities and religions are nuclear triggers.  And there is a cosmic demand, based upon factors we cannot yet see or measure for the release of a harmonizing, reconciling force from humanity to bring our solar system back into homeostasis.

Believe it or not, the forced reconciliation (death) of the accumulated contradictions of a human life releases energetic substances akin to the way our own liver responds with catalyzing enzymes to our consuming a meal. Every living thing, including our solar system, needs the ability to respond to external disturbances and bring the organism back to homeostasis.  We humans can and do bring harmony to the greater life we live inside.  Many religions and traditions have attempted to teach us how to offer periodic cleansing of our contradictions (sins) to both provide the necessary “offering” while making our soul a less juicy target for harvest.

With this short review, I will now return to the topic of my own offering to our political elite.  The Weapon of Mass Reconciliation, the master weapon to rule all lesser weapons of war, famine, pandemic and poverty.  What if the cause of all human drama and suffering was rooted in our ignorance of our true human duty to repay the life we could be freely enjoying?  What if our political and spiritual leadership began to see there are more elegant and evolved ways to respond to the cosmos, consciously, without falling into the trap of just grabbing the most innocent and open-hearted to be ritually sacrificed? Leaving the devils in the shadows?

What if starting with the break up of the former Yugoslavia in the 1990’s, moving to the Middle East in 2000, on to North Africa in the 2010’s and now Ukraine are targeted acupuncture needles in the stress points of humanity?  Perhaps the Sunni and Shia conflict was a well of enmity to be tapped in a purposeful harvest.  Iraq and Syria have held a portal open for much contradiction to be removed from the planet and therefore relieving the forced reconciliation of other lesser contradictory pockets.

Now after twenty years of cleansing, the Middle East may be ready to enter the modern age free of the past and especially free of those humans with the strongest divisions holding the two sides apart and willing to die for their convictions. Is the same thing happening now in Ukraine?  In our ascent back to a single human family, there is plenty of speculation of the discovery of extraterrestrials to force reconciliation.  That is the carrot.  The stick is to prick a reconciling zero point in the center of a ripe fruit of ancient enmity, on purpose.

Is it some unseen higher authority, opening this series of portals we see as wars to force reconciliation?  Did some human authorities in Washington and the United Nations actually read my paper and are applying a weapon system with the goal to bring greater resiliency to humanity by helping select the targets most ready for cosmic harvest?

It is so easy to judge humanity for all its perpetual conflict and disharmony.  I invite my readers to another perspective free of self-judgment which blinds us to the reality of our place in the cosmos.  After all, it is the most judgmental who fall into the healing vortex that is war and death.

The Weapon of Mass Reconciliation is being wielded by someone.


Zero Point: The Soul of Humanity


Optimizing Specialization Versus Optimizing Simplicity