Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

A Cosmonomic Cure for Cancer

My last post described cancer in terms of an irreconcilable contradiction expressed in words as “I’ve got to, but I can’t”.  This type of trapped internal state is compulsive, coercive and corrosive to our life force.  It also sends us off at death with a tension in our soul which is very hard to wash away. This creation will not stand for such compromise to human life and death.  Cancer is one solution.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

The Power of Reconciliation

It is Thanksgiving morning and what better day is there to harvest the power of reconciliation?  We should all visit gratitude and reconciliation every night before we fall asleep, but I find the annual ritualization of gratitude through Thanksgiving as one of the top two holy-days along with Independence Day.  Why this is so is the subject of today’s posting.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Weapon of Mass Reconciliation

Almost two decades ago, I authored a paper named Weapon of Mass Reconciliation.  My reason for the name and the timing were the lack of finding the WMD justification for the Iraq Invasion and the initial “mission accomplished” claim was fast becoming premature.  Looking back from here and in the middle of another charnel house in Ukraine, I feel called to revisit this application of cosmonomics to explain the conscious or unconscious use of this “weapon”.

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