The Power of Reconciliation

It is Thanksgiving morning and what better day is there to harvest the power of reconciliation?  We should all visit gratitude and reconciliation every night before we fall asleep, but I find the annual ritualization of gratitude through Thanksgiving as one of the top two holy-days along with Independence Day.  Why this is so is the subject of today’s posting.

To begin, let’s review this principal of reconciliation.  What the Devil, the Divider, has split in two to make the world a spinning motor/generator and a storage device must have an opposite force to repair division and release trapped energy, namely, the power of reconciliation.  Christianity is the first and only religion founded upon forgiving thine enemies as the catalyst for the healing of division.  But the act of procreation as the birthing of an innocent child from a father and a mother is the original reconciliation.

Chemically and energetically, the power of reconciliation is both mysterious and ubiquitous.  With all our science, we have yet to “discover” the energetic bonding of hydrogen and oxygen into water is the real power inside this clear, tasteless liquid based upon the power of reconciliation.  The bond in water has an energetic imprint of frequency and of memory recording its birth and current state that is either life-giving or of life-taking. And we humans, being mostly an electrified sack of water, understanding the quality of the reconciliation embedded within our internal water is the master key to health and resiliency.

Life is the ability to respond to external disturbances via the power of reconciliation for the restoration of homeostasis, our personal zero point. And our most reconciled chemical substances are our most powerful.  Certain enzymes created inside our liver can donate a single molecule to force the chemical transformation of tens of thousands of molecules waiting for the key to unlock the transformation.  Saintly beings, like Gandhi, who invest their life in refining their energetic emanations can also catalyze the transformation of the multitudes they touch who are ready.

The dark side, meaning the hidden and unexplored side, of the power of reconciliation is when forced through death.  What on the outside is a sudden heart attack or a long drawn-out desiccation through old age or cancer, is on the inside a process of forced reconciliation.  Imagine there is a drain at the core of our being connected to the cosmic zero point.  This is also the point of our emergence into life.  To die is to reconcile all our divisions and endless loops stuck as persistent memories, ego fortifications and chronic bodily pains back into the unified state of being from which we emerged into this reality as innocent children.

Thankfully, there is an alternative to waiting for the grim reaper to come calling for our precious judgments, wounds and patterns trapped in our mind, our heart and our body.  It starts with forgiveness, the doorway to reconciliation.  And reconciliation is reinforced and accelerated by the feeling of gratitude.  Every true and complete spiritual path is a harvesting and an offering of our “sins” and divisions back into the zero point through the power of reconciliation.  That’s why the spiritual journey is called “dying before you die”.

Forgiveness and gratitude is the perennial wisdom of soul cleansing we all have access to at every minute of every day.  And once our own being is a clear channel between the everyday divisions of life and the zero point at the core of our existence we can be the catalyst for transformation of “sticky” situations in our families and our communities.  The Christ could perform healing and miracles with the power of reconciliation that His life and being perfectly represented.

So this Thanksgiving, do yourself and our world a big favor.  Be thankful.  Gratitude and forgiveness are the human superpowers we can all tap into to reach and wield the power of reconciliation. Our birthplace and our birthright.


White Magic


The Power of No