White Magic

There was a time when scientists and magicians existed within the same person or organization. Isaac Newton, if forced to choose, would probably have said he was more alchemist than physicist.  Some of the Middle Ages’ public exposure and temporary flourishing of magical thought was certainly a result of the Reformation and the discrediting of the Catholic Church from its periodic insanity after The Inquisition.  But the Enlightenment and our University system have failed us by not allowing and encouraging the penetration of the unknown by non-traditional and magical means.  I assume Harvard, LSD and the Sixties was a bridge too far and still a bridge burned to the ground.

I have made no secret of my explorations into esoteric Christianity, oriental mysticism and Amazonian shamanism.  What I have discovered and brought forth in bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization could not have been synthesized without the help of higher mind, higher emotional body and a tight physical container of chi feeding my higher centers.  Essentially, without becoming an adept of white magic, I would have been scrambled and misdirected years ago and have been either silenced, made a babbling fool or be a perfected voice of disinformation.

The essence of being a practitioner of white magic is to emulate the most available and  researchable higher being who can be closely studied.  Earth Herself.  I consider Earth a living being whose central nervous system I am hard wired into.  Whether I am a brain cell or a freeloading micro-organism attached to the intestinal lining is both personal choice and governed by a series of initiations.  What could be considered the most exquisite university graduate level course of educating a human being has been stigmatized by all existing power structures threatened by true power and true knowledge.

A white magician, like every planetary body strives to balance internal and external pressures creating a smooth spherical shape fully inhabited and able to sense in every direction but not be easily penetrated.   The more living the planet the hotter the core and the more robust the protective belts, like the ozone layer and magnetic field surrounding the planet.  An earthquake, a volcanic eruption or a vortex-creating weather event are planetary responses to an external force arriving from space.  Few asteroids or coronal mass ejections actually hit the surface of Earth because of Her exquisite system of self defense (white magic).

An accomplished practitioner of white magician has their own well trained mind, complete ego shell and full energetic embodiment of their physical body to prevent any possession by unwanted intrusions at the mental, emotional and physical levels.  How all of this is accomplished and how to pass all the tests is beyond the scope of this blog post.  The point I am making is that the pathway to personal empowerment as described and mystified by the label of white magic is the path sanctioned by Earth Herself to become truly human and therefore most capable of sustained service.

I used the qualifier ‘sustained’ service to differentiate between white and black magic.  The black magician is a deviation of humanity used up in the process of a catalyzing service to the life of the whole.  No less important, but the black path is a dead end job.  Where the path of white magic is the ultimate human path because it is the perfection of the divine blueprint that is embodied in bioadministration.

The white magician idealizes the human blueprint described as bioadministration.  Namely, the ability to remain or return to homeostasis while fully sensing, feeling and peacefully transmuting all received energies and agendas back to the zero point is the ideal of Earth and practiced by some humans, now, as bioadministration.  If you so choose.


Watertight Integrity


The Power of Reconciliation