Zero Point: The Soul of Humanity

I have invested a fair amount of time in recent postings making the case for the fact that our mind is a dictator, by design.  And therefore, based upon bioadministration, our government will tend to model dictatorial behavior and will attract humans who gravitate to the exercise of extreme judgment to the point of self-deception to remain in control.  This is a potentially terrible situation to place any living thing or group of humans within and its possibility is only allowed for high purpose, and, because there is a greater power than judgment or binary right versus wrong.

The first story in the Bible describes the fall of man from harmony and unity into the knowledge of good and evil.  But just because we are on a very long exploration into the bowels of creation there is no way to lose our innate unity.  Terrance McKenna used to call this innate unity the “concrescence" or the “strange attractor at the end of time” exerting an irresistible force calling us back into an exalted endpoint no matter the depths of human stupidity we plumb.  From his musings, plus the discovery of the toroidal electromagnetic field around the heart and my own journeys to and through the dimensional portal known as the zero point, I have my own scientific understanding of the three-body system that makes up all of living creation…and why we allow for dictatorial mind and government.

The extreme polarity of a judgmental, dictatorial mind arising out of the chaos of everything everywhere all at once IS step one of the Plan.  Embrace the fact that to have a good storage device for potential energy you need polar opposites capable of maintaining division and separation.  And then rules for the direction and use of the power arising from reconciliation of the opposites.  The zero point is the master power over every division.  Religions have called this reconciliation our soul.  A medical doctor would describe this condition as homeostasis with considerable biochemistry tools to force its restoration.

I have invested several decades codifying my understanding, not from a doctor’s or a priest’s description of Eternity, but from an economist’s and a political scientist’s often deluded point of view.  I call humanity’s relationship with Eternity and the zero point cosmonomics.  And it was imperative to me to discover this new description of the soul of humanity, before, I would let myself talk about bioadministration and the consequences of empowering the dictatorship of our collective mind we call government.

Just like every living thing needs a zero point, a soul identity, something beyond the forced division of this realm we are born into, any life with no heart, no center is sterile and unable of creation.  Bioadministration without cosmonomics would be just the next shit show that is the history of economics and political science so far. A doctor has an objective truth to measure against.  A good priest has had a transcendent vision of Eternity or is regurgitating someone else’s dogma. But a politician always pretends to compassion while they are ruled by the dictatorship they are a cell within.

For any group of people to look to government for redemption is like praying to the Devil for salvation.  It comes quick and hard and in service of division.  We go to our mind for judgment.  We go to our heart for discernment.  Humanity has a soul, a mission, a destination, a zero point.  We cannot escape that which we are made of no matter how many times we go to the devil to be dissected or go to our government to be redeemed.  I, for one, refuse to wander around in the dark recesses of mental abuse when the zero point and the soul of humanity is so inescapably present and brightly lit.

All my writings from the angle of bioadminsitration, cosmonomics or citadelization should be read and felt inside as harmonious and sympathetic vibrations like the octaves of a piano vibrating along with the note struck.  There is a sacred science from which all divided things are reconnected into one.  It is coming to the devil’s playground of politics and economics.

Mind and government will remain a dictator…serving the true King.  The zero point and the soul of humanity.


Anti-Gravity Revolution


Weapon of Mass Reconciliation