Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Soul, Ego and Citadel

If we look at nature on Earth as an ongoing experiment with many trials and many failed attempts, then we might learn something important about being human and what the cosmos needs of us.  Cosmonomics and bioadministration go a long way in theorizing our human purpose for the cosmos from the navigational fix of the intersection of instinct, history, logic and revelation.  Can we add another line of reasoning tied to the observation of nature’s experimentation with life on Earth and the apparent desire to keep humanity citadelized?

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Zero Point: The Soul of Humanity

I have invested a fair amount of time in recent postings making the case for the fact that our mind is a dictator, by design.  And therefore, based upon bioadministration, our government will tend to model dictatorial behavior and will attract humans who gravitate to the exercise of extreme judgment to the point of self-deception to remain in control.  This is a potentially terrible situation to place any living thing or group of humans within and its possibility is only allowed for high purpose, and, because there is a greater power than judgment or binary right versus wrong.

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