Soul, Ego and Citadel

If we look at nature on Earth as an ongoing experiment with many trials and many failed attempts, then we might learn something important about being human and what the cosmos needs of us.  Cosmonomics and bioadministration go a long way in theorizing our human purpose for the cosmos from the navigational fix of the intersection of instinct, history, logic and revelation.  Can we add another line of reasoning tied to the observation of nature’s experimentation with life on Earth and the apparent desire to keep humanity citadelized?

The most enslaved organizations on the planet, bee hives and ant mounds, still have a self and non-self boundary function even within their own species to keep each mound and each hive separate and distinct.  This borderline between self and non-self for them is not personal and must somehow go back to their origin of all being from one mother.  They are organized and citadelized with a purpose highly important to the biosphere, pollination and soil maintenance, that can only be weakened by a personal sense of self, but whose service is strengthened by citadelization’s  forced geographic spreading function..

This innate desire for humans to organize into citadels can be seen and understood for many beneficial reasons.  But it’s impulse does not seem to have a natural limit, only an endpoint of total slavery in service to itself.  An ashram, a cult and a kingdom all have no place for more than one individual self, only the hive or the mound’s need for enslavement to its origin, no matter how un-natural.  Its a “bug” in the system, that humans end up all too often enslaved by heart, body or mind.

So Earth’s nature still seems to be attempting to discover the homeostasis point of citadelization free of its propensity to internal slavery.  Enter soul and ego.  Many spiritualists place value judgements on good soul and bad ego.  We will see how both work together in a win-win partnership where either being weak, weakens both.  Soul is the personal connection each human has to the zero point and ego is the protection and preservation of that personal connection.

These many and varied human created citadels throughout history are attractive because the zero point is at the center of everything and “all roads lead to Rome”.  A soul, looking to enhance their connection to God, transcendence or the zero point can follow any pathway there because the only real exit and endpoint includes and requires everything as the key.  This is why we see so many failed attempts at legitimate organization of humanity, because our souls are so easily seduced by connection and belonging.  This is a great impulse, as long as we remain individuated enough to know when enough is enough, stupid is stupid and slavery is slavery.  Enter the ego.

Our ego is a constructed wall with guarded gates or a maze around our heart as our biophysical connection to the zero point.  This wall or maze is built of memorized sensation from the sufficiently intense, by pain or emotion, interactions with other humans to become memorable.  The open doorway to the zero point we are born as is too painful and too easily abused to remain open.  And nature, by long experience and countless failures of human organization devolving into endless loops of slavery, has counteracted the propensity to hive and mound with ego.

The soul seeks connection, while the ego avoids pain and predation.  They are the perfect partners in the attractive and repelling forces around the zero point.  A citadel is naturally round or circular if both the attractive and the repelling forces are balanced in all directions.  And a citadel will form initially from either an attraction natural enough to entice souls to gather together or from enough egos finding resonance within a defensive structure to support each other.  But neither lasts long without the other.

Nature is still seeking the externalization of a win-win organization for humanity as empowering and resilient as the human organization of trillions of cells.  How many failed experiments litter the path of human development until trillions of cells made the leap from slavery to win-win?  Countless.  We cannot give up on what nature seeks for humanity, without giving up on life.

If we can find our own personal balance between soul and ego, we will naturally find ourselves collecting into citadels of greater and greater power, satisfaction and expression of the dream Earth has for humanity.  Not a mound or a hive. Those were useful failures on a journey to a win-win playground.  Recess and training for an emerging Godhood that is humanity organized as win-win or another useful failure on that same road.  Each of us must choose.

My soul, my ego, my citadel consciously living beside you inside God is my dream.


Memorized Sensation II


Why Bioadministration