Memorized Sensation II

My last post on cosmonomics dealt with life cycle of a red blood cell and its highly reconciled memorized sensation we call bile.  Life giving life to life by death.  Here death has the high purpose of restoring homeostasis by the release of an extremely potent chemical substance that can buffer pH and an extremely potent concentration of memory for the self to digest non-self.

Cosmonomics is the science of the exchange of life forces with the greater cosmos through the cosmic commodities of memory and sensation and the value added of the human ability to memorize sensation into various compounds the cosmos requires and values.  Human consciousness, feeling and intent during the formation of memorized sensation determines its potency.

The closer the reconciliation of memory and sensation is to the ultimate reconciliation, the lived experience of the memory of God, the more “magical” the substance in its ability to transform and transmute lesser reconciliations. This is the essence of the Christian mystery’s remission of sin through death on the cross and it is the lawful power embedded within the example of the red blood cell’s life and conscious surrender into death for life to continue.

Our galaxy is awash in free sensation.  The theorists of the big bang would call this the background radiation. The pre-Einstein physicists would call this ether and the electric universe crowd would call it undirected plasma.  The event horizon of a black hole is the pouring forth of free sensation from digested memorized sensations it attracts. Someday psychologists will recognize free sensation is gathered from the body into the mind creating the attention ready to be written upon.  The point is, in the world of cosmic commodities, free sensation is everywhere and freely available to all.  It truly embodies the communist doctrine of “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need”.

Our galaxy is also awash in light.  Every star is a collector of lesser memorized sensations and a radiator of the memory of God.  Stars have slightly different localized frequencies but are all connected to the central sun(s) at the core of the galaxy the way a human nervous system has a flow of communication across the entire nervous system.  Again light is the memory of God, from the light released in the campfire to the tunnel of light so often described during near death experiences.

Between memory and sensation is life.  Plants, animals, insects, fungi, humans and any aliens all have the ability to assimilate varying levels of memory and sensation into consciousness, feeling and action.  Once memory and sensation enter into life and have value added in their reconciliation along the paths of consciousness, feeling and action then we have economic exchange and predation.  Cosmonomics deals with the levels of reconciliation of memory and sensation, their harmonious exchange within a single organization to support greater and more complex life and deals with the disturbances caused by the interaction of two or more levels of reconciliation of associated or competing organizations.

The two major classifications of life and their strategy to remain alive can be called win-win or win-lose.  Cooperation or competition. Christ and the Devil. Good and evil.  Cosmonomics recognizes both attraction and repulsion as potentially beneficial or harmful to life depending upon their balance and degree.  The master work of evolution is their beneficial reconciliation like the red and the white blood cells.  One is the saint and the other is a killer.  As part of a greater organization with a greater purpose the opposition is reconciled while they remain enhanced in their distinction.

The utopian dream of communism as only win-win and the free market dream of capitalism as only win-lose cannot work in the long term.  They should both stop trying to cast each other out and start reconciling with each other like red and white blood cells into higher levels of reconciliation.  Memory needs sensation and sensation needs memory to be alive.

Life, as varying levels of memorized sensation that has lost neither the repulsion of freedom nor the attraction of memory, is the ladder of being we are either climbing up or down. Cosmonomics is a tool to understand these forces and also a tool to master life.


Governmental Mind


Soul, Ego and Citadel