Governmental Mind

Leadership within an organization of humans has traveled a long and tortured road of being ruled by the strongest, the bravest, the richest as well as the most ruthless, the most cunning and just being the eldest son of the last leader.  Being the smartest and wisest and fairest is somewhere way down the list. Let us explore how our internal organization handles the day to day administration of its being to see what it reveals.

First of all, internal leadership is best conditional based upon external circumstance.  When about to be run over by a truck or when we touch a hot stove there is no time for mental analysis and an reactionary instinct for survival closely connected to the body itself takes immediate command of muscles and adrenals to act.  Other times, our emotional body and our heart can become overwhelmed with feeling and must lead to clear the organism by either explosive reaction or self preserving withdrawal.

These are emergency situations which inform us that any governmental structure of group mind must allow for these built in safety valves where the mind must follow other leadership, if temporarily. FEMA may store beneficial emergency supplies and establish procedures for recovery, but almost every attempt to consolidate an immediate reaction to an emergency within the governmental mind ends in failure with more confusion and death than allowing a completely decentralized and instinctual response based upon individual reaction to chaotic conditions.

A key element of evolution is the mind’s ability to be an observer and a recorder during panics rather than being drawn into the chaos.  Memory and experience allows for a buffering of the current moment versus the governmental mind overreaction that jumps in to use chaos to attempt increase control.  Only a highly trained mind can be both analyst and commit to a forceful course of action at the same time.  Like a raft navigating a class four or five rapids, small movements in advance based upon experience is extremely effective while furiously paddling in an overwhelming eddy simply tires out the heart and body.

In the descending arc of civilization, governmental mind becomes addicted to using chaos as a method to keep the people in a herd and easily spooked into action.  The goal of bioadministration is to examine how our own mind, heart and body organization deals with their internal pathologies and how to restore homeostasis after disturbance.  In this case how to train a governmental mind that escalation of the intensity can only end in the people becoming desensitized to chaos and finally learning that the source of the problem is their leadership.

A mind without the ability to act or feel is called being put to sleep.  A regularly forced reboot of governmental mind was designed into the US constitution with regular elections.  But today, with unlimited corporate money feeding our mind into a regulatory capture and control prevents a necessary reboot.  Control of the media by a few oligarchs with close financial ties to the governmental mind and their three letter agencies is a top down shaping of narrative to achieve an agenda that has little or no connection to the heart and body of their organization.

Here governmental mind has been captured by an ideology and agenda with no feedback from heart or body for self correction.  In this case, the corrective actions must come from outside forces. An autistic child seems to have less self awareness, less self control because the mind has lost its observer status and cannot learn by assimilating feedback from both inside and out.

Due to the nearly eternal nature of neurons and their sticky programming based upon intense memories, nature uses death to clear out the malformed minds who can no longer assimilate feedback from internal or external observation.  Within humanity we can manage damaged cells for a time.  But when the governmental mind becomes unable or unwilling to remain sensitive to the muscle and circulatory cells it needs to survive and thrive then sleep is only the first prescription.

There is absolutely no need for the US constitution and its governmental mind to die.  There is an emergency need for a reevaluation of ideology and dogma driving an overexertion of heart and body.

Bioadministration, based upon thousands of generations of evolution have given us the blueprint for the re-harmonization of mind, heart and body with increasing intensity.  Mind must and will be see itself as servant, not king, in this incarnation or in the next reformation.


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Memorized Sensation II