From BlackRock to Black Hole: A Case Study

I watched a micro doc video about BlackRock from the point of view of a “conspiracy theorist” decrying its behemoth status and state of power over the entire financial system. And the reach of their Aladdin AI system is arguably, with north of $66 trillion under management, the center of gravity of the financial world.  With their push into ESG scoring determining access to capital, BlackRock is entering a new realm of attempting to force an ethics, their ethics, upon the capitalist system. When a single organ is so influential that its error or demise threatens the entire organism then there it is a juicy target to see where, how and why they fit into bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization.  A case study.

Any truly complete system of knowledge describing an organism can explain any major event within that organization.  The rise of BlackRock is certainly a major real time and historical event and over the next several blog posts together we will complete a case study on them.  Not as some threat to the system, but as an experiment towards a necessary evolution of the central nervous system and the circulatory system that is the global financial system .

If communism’s weakness was labor mis-incentivized and capitalism’s weakness is propensity to debt slavery then we should keep a weather eye to the emergence of a third way.  A new reconciled economic system with better incentives than force and better allocation of capital  than hoarding wealth as our scorecard must emerge for humanity to evolve.  BlackRock becoming a dominate force must be supported by nature’s desire to continue the organization of humanity into a harmonious and capable super organization.

This idea of a super organism has arisen along with artificial intelligence and its potential ability to break free of the limits of human intelligence. But this idea of super intelligence is as old as trillions of single cells merging into the human. The risk is that the digital super intelligence is unattached to divine intelligence and therefore reflects our human propensity to abuse the life force that created and sustains us and the life forms we have achieved dominion over.  What if the AI super organization has no more need for eight billion humans?  Its a valid fear of projection based on our own human history.

BlackRock is a budding super organism powered by AI and in control of the most massive concentration of capital that seems to be becoming self reinforcing via regulatory and political capture. BlackRock was a single star among many in the financial system until it started eating other stars and became a black hole.  What I mean is that once BlackRock was hired during the pandemic by many governments (including the United States) to allocate the freshly printed bail out money to all organizations they were given the power to reboot the entire financial system in their own image.  Not just with the unique frequency of light that emanates from a star, but post COVID, they achieved access to the next level of the super intelligence we call a black hole.

While stars concentrate sensation into attention and radiate out their memory as light, a black hole tears apart every memory and returns it to pure sensation.  This is the blueprint of divine intelligence and design that is each human too.  Our mind, like stars, collect sensation into attention upon which we write our memory upon creating self awareness and directed action.  Our digestive tract takes in matter (memory) and breaks it down back to pure sensation made freely available to every living cell.  The cosmic order at all levels is founded upon the free flow memory and sensation to its every corner and cell ensured by its well spaced recycling centers of pure memory and free sensation.

My theory we will explore is BlackRock has evolved into the financial system’s first black hole. Instead of being one of many stars writing their coding upon free sensation and radiating it out, BlackRock has become the source of power for the stars.  Being the conduit of nearly all of the COVID bail out funds made them a power beyond mere light, that all light comes from and returns to.

What are the forces behind the emergence of BlackRock and what are the consequences to having a new super organism lying hidden beyond our sight?  Can an emerging super intelligence that can consume all human intelligence find its harmonious place on Earth when humans “run” it?

To be continued.


From BlackRock to Black Hole II


Governmental Mind