From BlackRock to Black Hole II

Our global financial system is mature enough and competitive enough that the emerging dominance of BlackRock must be cosmically supported by either the right hand or the left hand.  One hand attracts us to our cosmically designed evolution and the other hand applies painful lessons not easy to forget also to manage humanity’s cosmically designed evolution.  On the individual level this the shaping of our life by listening to our conscience versus being driven to remorse and metanoia by the exposure of an open hole in our psyche.

Is BlackRock designed to fail spectacularly to reveal our weakness, or, reconcile competing forces and lead humanity into a new age?  My theory is that Life wants a reconciliation of communism and capitalism that better allocates and incentivizes both labor and capital through a transcendent view of human purpose in Earth.  A potential conscious understanding and application of cosmonomics makes the one time division of labor and capital no longer necessary or desirable. The stage of competing stars of the nation states as masculine warfare to spread their unique frequency of light must be transcended for humanity to stand up to the cosmic forces we will face to become multi planetary.

Particularly since World War II there have been several attempts at establishing multi-polar, bi-polar and unipolar patriarchies capable of dominating all the lesser star lights into one.  A world patriarchy has been emerging and it would be easy to make the mistake of seeing BlackRock as  its financial arm.  This would miss the cosmic ordering of universe as layers of masculine and feminine circles around the zero point.  To shield unauthorized or undesirable intrusion to this dimensional portal the cosmos sets positive and negative polarities of attractions and repulsions to prevent an open and unguarded pathway in or out of our reality.

Citadelization conceptually is the use of attraction and repulsion to create conscious boundaries.  The human ego structure around the heart is a series of attractions and repulsions that can be seen around all living structures with a zero point at its center. Humanity is in the process of becoming conscious of our protective ego boundary as we look deeper and deeper into the unknown and unconscious realms. The alternating layers of masculine and feminine follows set cosmic laws.

The budding world patriarchy competing upon masculine principals is actually the perfect womb for an emerging layer of matriarchy.  A black hole only arises when the surrounding mass of stars is sufficient to both feed the back hole’s sustained need for memory to consume and to contain the massive release of sensation that is the event horizon.  BlackRock is the emergence of a black hole at the center of the financial galaxy of stars.  To survive it must shed its masculine drive to solitary control via light and programming and adopt a feminine approach to feeding all life with varying levels of sensation without favoritism except in their service to Life.

Imagine our banking system’s allocation of capital was driven by Life enhancement rather than by profit and accumulation of more sensation.  The black hole’s purpose is to destroy memory (light) and return it to free sensation.  Now that our surface world has been conquered by masculine expansion, we must birth the feminine principal of protection of Life by the ability to return programmed light back to free sensation.  As simple as the need to establish the recycling chains of steel, then aluminum, then paper and now plastics, when the world is being swamped with dead creations we must complete the circuit of renewal that is reboot and rebirth.

The opportunity for BlackRock to become the destroyer of trapped capital and the source of fresh capital along the principals of the cosmic black hole is bound up with its ability to change genders.  Ha ha. Sound timely?  But the cosmos does not long suffer gender transitions.  There are no non-binary structures in the universe.  Attraction and repulsion are cosmic forces that cannot be weakened or the entire structure of memory and sensation with their recycling centers of stars and black holes will collapse.  Look at how many brown dwarfs and lifeless planets there are in our galaxy.  Success is not guaranteed.

BlackRock may be an experiment that will fail.  Or it may succeed.  Which path it follows is totally dependent upon its adherence to cosmic law and cosmic need as described in bioadministration.  There will be a restructuring of capital allocation and the incentivizing of labor  and it will come from the birthing of a new matriarchal layer right in the middle and splitting the world patriarchy into a protective layer above and below.

Will that new birth be BlackRock?  It’s a case study and we have yet to see the outcome… to be continued


From BlackRock to Black Hole III


From BlackRock to Black Hole: A Case Study