From BlackRock to Black Hole III

On the human journey from our current political divide of labor and capital, communism versus free enterprise evolves to my proposed end state, bioadministration, the allocation of energy is a keystone and a foundation stone. The alpha and omega of life is the ability to gather energy to sustain itself and to deal with all the challenges facing this unavoidable task.  From ethics to economics to geopolitics, everything can be reduced to the gathering and allocation of life force.  Therefore, the importance of getting this relationship right and fair cannot be overstated.

We have been using the disturbance that is BlackRock upon the financial system as a teachable moment and as a case study judged against the best evidence of objective reality and divine blueprint of both the microcosm’s single human organization and the macrocosm’s visible cosmos.  I, for one, have long ago grown tired of being manipulated and propagandized by the division of good and evil and their advocates in church and state.  Like the soccer team whose airplane crashed high in the Andes mountains, they were stripped of all their preconceived programming of good and evil down to the simple question of “will I eat my dead friends to live”.

Bioadministration, using the human blueprint of mind, heart and body to guide humanity, is our chance to reconcile good and evil and establish a win-win ethics, economy and politics to replace the endless fight that is the win-lose dynamic between people, tribes, races and nations.    To find this state of harmony, we must acknowledge the laws and forces upon which this reality is founded.  BlackRock has grown to its size and power by being a representation of a universal force.  That force, from human gut to a black hole, is the ability to attract investment capital (stored energy/fat) and to distribute it widely and efficiently throughout the economy.

At this point in our case study, after we have established the universal need of a living organism to have the ability to gather stored/trapped energy and distribute it fairly and widely, we can forget the name BlackRock or their further demonization.  Now we will explore how to outcompete them by adopting a more evolved version of the win-win blueprint that all universal laws conspire to support.  The reconciliation of capitalism and communism already has a destination that BlackRock is just a bread crumb upon the trail.  What is the next step?

The organization that will transcend BlackRock (if they do not further conform to cosmic law) will truly allocate life force lawfully and fairly across all life within their organization. The community banking model gave way to the globalized investment funds based upon better monetary returns at the expense of localized economic and non-economic factors.  When Walmart came through and consolidated scores of local businesses, it gave temporary advantage of cheap foreign manufactured goods while creating the small town center blight. Win-lose.

Something like the community banking model but nationalized or globalized will restore a win-win organization.  The model of a black hole will eventually win.  First, no individualized agendas survive the recycling center that is the black hole.  All memory of who “owned” that energy before the event horizon is wiped out.  Free sensation, (read cheap and abundant capital), is made equally available to every corner of the organism.  The depression era New Deal was an infant form of this ideal that was quickly coopted by the allocations becoming politicized and corrupted by influence peddlers.  Life force cannot be administered by government any more than the free flow of energy floating in the human blood stream can be in the control of the thinking mind.  Abundance leads to win-win.  Scarcity leads to win-lose.

To sum up what we have learned in this case study and how to implement humanity’s next step forward, I can imagine a marketing campaign for a super banking organism who forgoes usury and makes no loans or investments outside of its own investor pool.  There is no excess compensation or glorification of any executive and no influence upon capital allocations by insider dealing.

What starts as a closed loop of capital (life force) with no leakages or unfair consolidations marketed and administered as a true public service would become its own self reinforcing black hole who would eat all the other lesser stars.  After all BlackRock is simply a consolidation of an expanding share of the people’s stored wealth based upon a monetary return of investment based upon a set of allocation criteria.  A more holistic return with no favoritism is the path forward.

A true and fair communism of capital that was the local banking origin story will always and eventually win the way light and gravity rule the cosmos.  When a true black hole arises at the center of the financial system, humanity will have its superpower.




From BlackRock to Black Hole II