
Modern science probing the quantum realm, morphogenic fields, financial panics and mob behaviors all acknowledge there is an unseen web of unconscious communication between humans that is non-verbal.  Fringe science studies remote viewing, ESP and techniques of divination which point to the human ability to transcend space and time tapping into non-local information.  So too do modern medicine and psychology acknowledge the ability to infect other humans with microscopic agents of disease and energetic mind viruses.  One might say all humans are haunted. By design.

Bioadministration and cosmonomics both posit important reasons why this human connectivity is a part of our design.  Groups of humans have the ability, like our own trillions of cells have the ability, to act in harmonious concert to accomplish complex tasks no single cell could even imagine.  And the human ability to connect the healing and reconciling vortex we call the zero point with human disturbance and human disease is the mystery called “the remission of sin” and the key to life called homeostasis.  Heroes and saints take lawful use of contagions humanity cannot long survive without.

So how does the single human remain self aware and sovereign within this energetic soup being cooked up by our modern interconnected world?  If contagion is so prevalent then does a force of anti-contagion exist?  Can quantum entanglement have a counterpoint of free will?  Enter citadelization.  If we put a patina of good and evil over this relationship then Christ is the force that binds us together while the Devil is the force that keeps us apart.

Citadelization is, by design, defensive against contagion.  What is the difference between patriotism and a cult or between an internal organ and a tumorous mass?  Purpose and value. If we are so easily infected by group think then for life to be something other than being a drugged serial rape victim we need our own internal judgment and ability to say no. Forcefully.  That force comes from what some traditions call our soul and our sense of self.  Purpose, value, soul and self all lie in the realm of citadelization.

We invest a considerable amount of time exploring the nature of division and reconciliation as design features of this reality for the purpose of creating a biological battery charged with human contradiction and released upon demand by both forced and willing reconciliation.  It might seem cruel we humans are being milked by some unseen gods or demons playing with humanity’s emotional body like some sadistic lover we cannot escape.  Except that all these forces humanity is subject to playing out upon the cosmic level also have their own internal representative.  Contagion, at all levels, has opposing anti-contagion just as powerfully.

We all have access to an abundance of ideas presented to our mind each day.  Seeds of mental contagion are legion no matter where the originate.  Most humans have no defense against mental intrusion assuming every thought entering their mind is there own.  A masterwork of a sovereign human is to develop a level of self consciousness at the mental level to prevent contagion.  But at least we are all given an immune system at the physical level to counteract physical contagion.

The true war zone for most humans is between mind and body in the emotional realm.  Ideas easily invade our undefended mind inviting contagion while our body wields the powerful tools of anti-contagion to keep us a living separate cell.  This is the basic design of the human serving the cosmic forces who put humans in life on Earth.  Christ and the Devil can be just archetypes and forces on the outside ruling our lives and herding us like cattle.  Or they can be the forces of contagion and anti-contagion living and breathing inside of us as teachers.

Every human is a microcosm of our solar system if not our galaxy or our universe.  You can play small and let yourself and your infant soul be passed around by every stray thought that makes it into the collective consciousness of humanity.  Or….you can ignite your own sun within the center of your being who can burn up every passing contagion with your own anti-contagion sense of self radiating out in every direction.

Anti-contagion. Citadelization. Self-awareness. Soul power.  What ever you call it, every human has full access to more than enough sovereignty to say no to any contagion.  Someday soon the gang rapes that are marxism, fascism and debt slavery will be vomited out of humanity even if it means going back to tribalism on the open plains.

Why?  Because none of the current -isms are close enough to the divine blueprint to survive the vortex that surrounds the zero point without being thrown out and scattered to the wind.


Universal Intelligence


From BlackRock to Black Hole III