Why Bioadministration

When Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto with Engels in 1848, did he have any idea of the criminal, psychotic behavior that would be attributed to his labor theory?  One of the latent powers within a human is the ability to tap into the fourth, linear dimension of time, especially for the creator of a disruptive idea or action. Our heart can carry our mind into the future to evaluate the possible consequences of our creativity.  If we care to look.

Perhaps I was an ideal vehicle to have planted the seed of bioadministration.  Born on the Fourth of July from a mother born on Bastille Day and to an authoritarian father of full blooded German decent and I was a patriotic naval officer who could never shake the early scars of my government sanctioned assassinations. I was divided soul with equal parts love of order and love of freedom pulling me apart.  When the epiphany of using the human body as blueprint for human organization landed like a flash of hot lightning, there was a wide gulf of open water to absorb both the idea’s potential for harmony…and of its miscreant potential to enslavement.

I did look deep and hard into the future of bioadministration and by its own human blueprint, it took me on my own internal journey to become as fully human as I have mastered today.  My mind, now twenty-five years ago only had access to my ego, not my conscience, and therefore looking at the consequences of unleashing the organizing principal of bioadministration on even the best governmental structures struck me as a recipe for human enslavement.  How could a nearly full blooded German post Nazism advocate for the governmental power to seize control of humanity the way our own mind can rule and misrule trillions of living cells?  I froze.

Or better said, I went deeper.  I found my own conscience in being father to my four children and in my long and deep forays into esoteric Christianity, oriental mysticism and amazonian shamanism.  I made the journey to my heart center and to the zero point of this creation, to become both external servant and internal king.  My own internal mother and father principals birthed a human willing and able to fully stand at the reconciling point of all contradictions.  During this journey I wrote The New Code and I conquered my fears and concerns about being the father of bioadministration.

These last two decades I have been a mostly quiet observer of globalism, The New World Order and now The Great Reset all attempting to seduce humanity into an order with faux heart and conscience.  All the advocates of central control vying for a government run domination were tapping into the innate understanding that humanity is destined to be one order, but was still using the divided consciousness of capital and labor, Nazi and communist, socialism and free enterprise.  There is no heart, no inner harmony in the attraction.  There was an attempt to subjugate a herd of dumb, instinct driven animals with new tools of manipulation unworthy of the cosmic future destined to humanity.

I knew better than to offer bioadministration into the post 9/11 world order as it herded humanity into a total surveillance state.  I needed to wait until the heart of humanity was awakened by the repulsive force I knew the collective human soul would awaken to.  Bioadministration was meant to be introduced slowly and out of phase with the latest attempt at human enslavement.

Marxism was born during the continent wide revolution of 1848 and was a gasoline thrown into the open wound and fire of a humanity attempting to find harmony with the machines of the industrial revolution.  Today, we humans are again attempting to find balance with the digital, electronic world that is stuffing our minds with information like a Peking duck is being force fed grain to fatten it for slaughter.

Instead of the counterpoint that Marx invented to organize labor against capital, bioadministration is a complete system of knowledge and organization that both attracts and drives its adherents to homeostasis and harmony.  It is best adopted, not in the throws of crisis while the mind and government is still on a power drunken bender from the shiny toys of the technological revolution, but in the morning light after the mental crash and burn, when the heart’s conscience and the body’s memories are fully awake.

Why bioadministration?  Because it works. Look inside.  Why now?  To plant the seed in the fertile ground composted by the last failure to organize humanity when we have fresh reason to self inspect and ask our deeper self for a new plan where mind, heart and body all win together.


Soul, Ego and Citadel


Memorized Sensation