Memorized Sensation

Cosmonomics is a scientific understanding of the forces and substances of exchange within a cosmic economy. Instead of money and labor exchanged between humans as economics, we deal with the more fundamental living cosmic forces of memory and sensation.  They each have their pure, essential state of free sensation and the memory of God and the economy of life is bound up in their combination and level of reconciliation. Memorized sensations.

What we call matter is memorized sensation.  Gravity is a force exerted by the memory trapped within matter. Anti-gravity (free sensation) is the force released by what we call a black hole, more aptly named a free sensation generator that strips every level and quality of memory off of sensation.  Light is the force released by a star which could also be described as an opposing recycling center stripping all sensations and radiating the memory of God.  Life can see and/or sense light giving direction to sensation.  Life is the ability to both memorize sensation and to sense memory.

Life hangs out between these two streams of free sensation (chi or life force) and pure memory (consciousness) building living structures of memorized sensation that can be more idea based in the realm of the soul or more matter based like doing organic chemistry.  And the higher the reconciliation of memory and sensation the more powerful and condensed that particular memorized sensation is.

To demonstrate these principals we can consider any frequency and density of memorized sensation. Today we will consider a particularly strong organic substance with extremely powerful memories imbedded, namely, bile.  Bile salts are used in digestion of fats and to buffer the extreme acidity coming from our stomach acid. Our livers synthesize bile made mostly from a chemical substance called bilirubin.  This bilirubin is considered by modern medicine as a waste product from the breakdown of red blood cells that is excreted at cell death.  Our modern science has a pretty good understanding of the organic chemistry side of bile and bilirubin…but totally misses the use and value of its memorized sensation to life.

The life cycle of cells says a lot about their level of memorized sensation they can build in their life time.  Stomach and intestinal linings are sacrificial lambs for the continuation of life lasting only a few hours.  Neurons are eternal to the life of the organism and white blood cells can live for up to a year.  Liver cells live for 200 to 300 days, while a red blood cell has a life span of about 100 days.  So red blood cells, born in the deepest center of our being, in the bone marrow have time and mission to accumulate memory and write it on the sensation of being alive as the most tactical interface with the outer world constantly exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide.  Their job is to carry free sensation as oxygen into the body and to expel memory as carbon dioxide out.

Aging is the accumulation of memory and it is no different with red blood cells.  When their shape is compromised with memorized sensation that can no longer be fully released they become compromised in their core mission of carrying oxygenated sensation and carbonized memory.  This memorized sensation is considered a waste product by medical science as bilirubin to be expelled during digestion. 

Cosmonomics states that the memory of that red blood cell’s human life still has its crowning achievement and its crucifixion to suffer for the continuation of life.  The aged red blood cell is released from life by a macrophage and its memory as bilirubin is released into the blood stream to travel to the liver.  Its memory of life for the last 100 days is a standing wave of life force coded into matter as memorized sensation.  When a human eats a meal to gain energy there is a large investment of memorized sensation to turn food into self, to change one frequency of memory into another frequency of memory. The bilirubin and the bile the liver produces uses the condensed memory of self accumulated over the last 100 days to turn the alien into self.

This opens many doors we can explore at a later date, including how each human is called to a “good medicine death” to save the tribe they leave behind by the quality of the condensed memory of their life they carry unto death to neutralize more life for the organism that created them and gave them life.

Memorized sensation is an extremely important and valuable metric to explore and discover the cosmic dimension to the mundane energy exchanges we experience as daily life and attempt to codify as economics.  That is useful for our day to day activities. But to find our way home at the end of time requires a cosmonomics to fully reconcile all our memorized sensations back into the Eternity that birthed us.

Life is a circle that will birth us, feed us and teach us if we fully participate in the entire journey with more and more love of life and commitment to life each turn of the wheel.


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