Citadel America

Every distinct organism or organization, no matter the size, has the characteristics of a citadel with both functions of a command center and a designated exterior boundary.  This is easy to see with a living cell’s nucleus and cell wall. But also our solar system with a radius of approximately 16 light hours also has the obvious command center we see and know as the sun.  And the Voyager 2 space probe showed a cliff like drop in the sun’s plasma discharge, called the solar wind, at the outer edge of the sun’s citadel.

Somewhere in between microscopic cell and our enormous solar system is Citadel America. The United States is arguably the most powerful state to ever exist or is at least tied with the Mongols.  For much of our history we were inwardly directed, while the Mongols were more like a viral infection needing to expand or die. Lately we Americans have grown beyond the borders of our citadel in a logical and valid attempt of organizing humanity into a species level citadel, “with Liberty and Justice for All”, inside a system we controlled. How’s this working for us?

The carrot of globalization and the efficiencies it has produced has been wildly successful in delivering prosperity more equally across the world than ever before.  But the stick that is our military-industrial complex (MIC) has the Mongol problem.  It needs war and conquest to feed it or it will starve.  When JFK threatened the MIC with a limit we all know how they responded.  And we Americans lost our true center, a piece of our soul, ever since.

Today, I will not dwell upon the infection that Washington has become upon the world.  It’s a tale of hubris and self righteousness as old as time.  Good intentions becoming justification for domination that attracts psychopaths to the control center.  The real question is, can our United States re-establish the healthy center of attraction and repulsion that is the universal principal of the citadel?

Of course, being a universal principal, the simple answer is, yes, we will become a citadel because we must to survive.  Will the United States retrieve the missing piece of its WWII idealism that launched the United Nations and globalization or will we simply be the next catalyst for the rest of humanity to organize and defeat us?

Option one is only possible if we Americans can truly search our soul for its highest meaning and purpose to exist and then trigger our immune system to go through a healing crisis.  With enough anti-gravity to trigger a sneeze or a vomit we can expel the mental and emotional poisons we have accumulated. This would take true disclosure of past sins and punishment by an impartial judicial system to restore the faith and commitment that America still has a soul worthy of both leadership and follower ship.

More likely, based upon history is option two.  We become an initiating force whose ignorance and oppressive weight provides the catalyst by which the rest of the world restores itself to health… by defeating our infected center.  This option is the end of the United States as a citadel and will force an internal struggle, healing trauma and reformulation of our core purpose.  It will not be pretty.

Either path will force the citadel or citadels that exists on this continent to have an internally reconciled soul purpose and mission.  Even though I was born of the Fourth of July at the height point of the American soul, I am not overly attached to either option one, restoration, or option two, deep reinitiating.  This is simply because I look beyond the European domination of this land called America.

I see a free people who will never surrender to any illegitimate authority for long.  Whether we go back to hunting bison on the plains and deer in the forrest or explore the cosmos from star ports next to the oceans, there will only be free people upon this land.  Citadel America starts and ends and will remain with millions of individual humans who know themselves to be free and sovereign citadels of Life.


Memorized Sensation


Our Organizing Principal