Anti-Gravity Revolution

Today’s blogpost in citadelization will attempt to describe the little understood relationship between humanity and our host, Earth.  Namely anti-gravity and specifically how anti-gravity can keep each human in a strong defensive position, otherwise know as a citadel.

We will begin with a short review of the fundamental forces of gravity and light acting upon humans.  Both of these forces are founded upon what humans call memory.  Our local star is a transducer of a plasma based frequency of light which acts as the coding force within the field we know as our solar system.  Light could also be called the memory of God.  Gravity is intimately tied to mass and matter because its attractive force also depends upon the memory embedded within the creation and the structure of matter.  Memory is the glue that holds the visible universe together.

This debate in quantum physics on the nature of being both a particle and a wave is reconciled from the view of memory.  The closer the memory is to the “God” frequency the more like light it is.  The more “confused” the memory the denser the particles are. And since our creation requires both a free flow of memory and a stabilizing force of memory, we might ask how memory gets from particle to wave and from wave to particle.  Enter anti-gravity, which must mean anti-memory.

Life, by definition, is the ability to react and to change and therefore requires the ability to counteract memory, as gravity or as light.  Both matter and light become consumables once a organism can break down and extract memory from them.  Our gut does this. A black hole does this. And whatever is at the center of Earth does this too.  At the center of Earth is a generator of anti-gravity by breaking down memory. But better know names for this anti-gravity energy free of memory and studied for thousands of years is know by the Chinese as chi, by the Indians as prana or simply as life force.

Where our sun can and does adjust the intensity of light with the occasional slate-wipe level of solar outburst, Earth adjusts the intensity of anti-gravity or radiating life force as both a soft shield of biological life on its surface and as a defensive shield to counteract excessive memory when memory becomes both oppressive and life-limiting.  If memory is order then its lack is chaos.  And in extreme, in defense of life, chaos can be unleashed upon order when its memories and guidance system is no longer supportive of life. We will call this an anti-gravity revolution.

A chaotic level of life force being radiated out of the center of the Earth has its earthquakes, volcanoes and severe weather events.  On an individual human scale, a chaotic level of life force is called upon to restore a human to health through fever, sneezing, coughing and vomiting.  On a societal level we see revolution, chaotic events driven by anti-gravity to break up patterns and memories that no longer serve or deserve to contain or to guide life.

These statements imply there is a cosmic principal of order that is human corruptible when viewed from its ability to support life.  And there is a cosmic principal of chaos as an over expansion of life force designed to break up patterns and memories that become oppressive to life.  This also implies life itself is the senior principal with hidden allies who can and do adjust light and life force for the sake of life.

Can you feel the volcano about to blow?  Can you feel the vomit about to clear us?  Can you feel the revolution to restore the vibrancy of life?

The smart human will not allow this energy of chaos to overwhelm them and run around like a chicken with its head cut off.  They will feel the rising energy from within and restore local order to themselves, their home and family,  their personal finances, their friends and tribe.  In short, there will be a nesting or a hibernating instinct we call citadelization.

I did not call for an inescapable anti-gravity revolution.  The corrupted order and memory of our human leaders called it upon humanity like night follows day.  The Earth as our creator and sustainer, who needs this sensitive layer of biological life on the surface to buffer cosmic forces we cannot yet understand, has let lose the energy to break up and to reset the order.  I simply advise to react to an excess of life force constructively, in advance.

Clean your house, find your tribe, forgive your enemies.  Prove your humanity and commitment to life before the real anti-gravity revolution arrives.


Navigating Zero Point*


Zero Point: The Soul of Humanity