Changing Eternity

For at least the last month or more writing on the subject of cosmonomics, I have been attempting to empower my readers with the practical techniques and uses of approaching the dimensional doorway some have named the zero point.  On the other side of that doorway is a dimension we will call Eternity.  All attraction and repulsion in our temporal world comes from the forces passing though the zero point to and from the Eternal realm.

To understand consmonomics requires we explore this relationship between the temporal and the Eternal worlds, how to guide forces towards the zero point and how to change the programming of the energy being admitted from the zero point.  If this sounds like magic, that is because this science has been occulted and mystified for much of recorded history.

During the Kali Yuga, the dark age of the 26,000 year precession of the Earth we have already passed the depths of, the deepest truths are hidden from empowering humans to do even more damage to themselves and each other in ignorance.  As we return to a golden age upon Earth, a crucial battle must be fought to restore widespread and democratic understanding and use of the technologies of the zero point.  Otherwise, priests and politicians, wizards and marketers retain this power for their own purposes.  What power? The power to change Eternity’s attractions and repulsions on this side of the zero point.

Here is a simple example.  A home or a place becomes “haunted” because of some traumatic and unresolved energy.  Or. A place becomes “holy” because of healing, harmony and ecstasy vibrations becomes established there.  Eternity supplies an energy frequency coded with memory to every part and every place in this reality.  We learn from our study of cosmonomics that division is used to store potential energy within the polarities while reconciliation releases a higher force that can act upon less reconciled parts of this reality.

Understanding this and with my own internal stores of harmony, I can walk into a “haunted” place or meet a “haunted” person and change Eternity’s coding of that person or place.  Initially, my harmony catalyses a dissonance and a repulsion.  This simply activates the endless loop that is coded into Eternity, like a proverbial demon or addiction that comes around regularly to be fed.  But if I have the will and the intention, I can connect this dissonance to Eternity through the zero point at the center of my heart and change Eternity’s coding.

Am I special? No, just trained.  During dark ages upon Earth we get Jesus and many lesser practitioners of changing Eternity enshrined and ensconced into the camps of good and evil.  To ascend into a higher age on Earth requires the demystification and simplification of what I call cosmonomics.  Because the proper functioning of the higher life we all live within requires many healthy cells applying attraction and repulsion based upon a higher calling.  Otherwise we are no different from a cancerous cell within our own body who has lost its true purpose and connection to the whole.

Humans are meant to be shepherds of Eternity.  The age and condition of our Earth’s reality is directly connected to how many humans understand their true calling and purpose and act upon it without regard to personal empowerment or glorification.  When humans react swiftly to disturbances to harmony and restore homeostasis, this is like our own fresh and clean liver going into action with each meal we ingest.

What “specialness” do each of us need to release and recode into Eternity?  I guarantee you will be a chaos magician if you do not do your own work on yourself first.  In the dark ages this is allowed as a ferment for growth and to charge the battery of Earth with embedded drama and contradiction.

But as we ascend together back into a golden age, each human’s soul is laid bare for all to see.  The immune system of humanity will start to activate itself to protect and defend itself from cancerous cells who cannot or will not realign with Eternity’s coding of the ascending age.

I promise to continue to download these synapses from my own understanding and offer them to my fellow humans for empowerment, recognizing it is you and every other cell choosing to live in harmony inside the body of God to act from your own direct connection to Eternity, not mine.


The Dictatorship of Mind III


Unipolarity Versus Multipolarity