Unipolarity Versus Multipolarity

When thinking about the three core concepts upon which the BCC Institute was founded, citadelization was the last to be established after bioadministration and then cosmonomics.  My progression of understanding was reverse to that of evolution.  In Nature, it was the body that came together first and then specializing and birthing the organs of necessity for complex life. Namely, the heart and mind.  Either from above or below, from inside or from outside, if we explore any living system completely we find there is the tripartite structure of mind, heart and body.

At the level of world politics and governance, there is a fledgling life being created where applying this ever present and necessary tripartite structure can teach us much on the direction life demands we face and travel towards.  We will start our analysis at the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, arguably the first well recorded and successful attempt for humanity to assemble a center of attention and administration across the many tribes into one mind, in Rome.  Constant tribal warfare based upon theft of resources and human slavery created, by necessity, a single organization capable of bringing order.  The body birthed the mind and submitted to its rule.

Within this cauldron of body and mind, in the wise Roman administration of free spiritual expression and religious worship gave rise to a heart based religion of Christianity.  First feared and persecuted, then embraced, Christianity became the heart and soul of the Eastern Roman Empire in Constantinople lasting for nearly a thousand years past the sacking of Rome.  The Mohammedans followed a similar pathway of birth from tribalism to central administration to soul creation after Rome fell, arguably with a differing path of heart versus mind dominance in which age.

The Treaty of Westphalia is recognized as the next birth of mind out of the chaos of the fracturing of the Roman Catholic church’s authority by its own degeneration and corruption.  This treaty was a recognition by the governmental mind(s) coming together to agree to the citadelization of state boundaries and authority to wage war where the mind and the body partnered to contain the widespread chaos of religious fervor and conflict of the Reformation period.  The modern nation state was created and this structure carried humanity for nearly four centuries until now.

After World War II the two main victors, Russia and America, set up competing systems based on two visions of the future of humanity.  Both had their own mind and heart to represent their body of humans.  The Americans won more than anything from its superior incentive structure and delivery of resource to its body.  This delivered the unipolar moment up until the 2008 financial crisis which followed the incredibly hubristic military choices and interventions post 9/11.

The “mind” of humanity in Washington and New York had proven itself not up to the task, but this did not mean humanity has lost its drive to create a truly living tripartite system of mind, heart and body.  And therefore, we find ourselves in another moment of Reformation. Except this time it is the mind/government of humanity breaking down instead of the heart/religion of humanity.  

Which brings us to modern day, when the forces of citadelization are rightly counterbalancing the increasingly corrupted global economy and its system of control through money and force.  These are the periods of civil conflict, economic dislocations and even world war when the three body problem/solution of homeostasis has been disturbed but the old catalysts of restoration to harmony have failed.  Dangerous times indeed.

Times like this resemble the solitary human beginning to sense the need to go internal, to go to sleep.  But that is only safe to do when we know our surroundings and our allies.  We know how badly we need sleep, but must use our final cup of attention to create our citadel, our safe container for reboot.

So I invite my readers to see the long arc of history in Western Civilization, now world civilization, with the eyes of it as a living system attempting to rediscover homeostasis.  We know the mind of humanity is tired and needs rest.  The heart of humanity, invested in pleasure and comfort, knows it has also overplayed its hand.

This transition from unipolarity to multipolarity that seems so all important politically, is no mystery.  It is the citadelization we all go through each night to prepare for sleep while inviting the mind and the heart to a forced internal self inspection and then redirection in the morning’s light.

Embrace the beautiful truth of harmony Life both invites and forces upon us.


Changing Eternity


Aging and Renewal