Aging and Renewal

Being of the baby boomer generation, my cohort invests a lot of time and energy on treatments and spas that are promised to stop or reverse aging.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with pursuing internal health at any age as long as this does not become a consuming obsession driven by a fear of death. Being haunted by death is one of those motivators that can be inspiring of more life as long as we stay away from the extremes of complete denial or debilitating fear.

Our human organism is self-healing even up to the doorway of death but there is an age related sliding scale of healing capacity based upon our availability of stem cells, mitochondrial function, hormone production and a host of other factors supporting renewal.  This science is well established and there are more and more effective supplements and therapies available everyday to extend the productive function of any human life.  Bioadministration seeks to establish societal health and renewal by applying these proven principals to larger human organizations.

These days, the decline of empires and exploring sources of political dysfunction are popular and lively topics for literature, analysis and pontification.  What is missing is an objective standard by which to evaluate any government.  To some observers Ganges Khan was a brutal megalomaniac and to other observers a leader who established a lasting, prosperous and peaceful empire across all of Asia. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, FDR and more recently Trump, Putin and Xi are all divisive political figures and we make the mistake of judgment or emulation based upon personality and style.

Leadership is not an external beauty contest.  True leadership arises from an internal harmony and resilience that, over time and by force of its truth, becomes reflected upon its people and domain.  Minds and their external representation as a government love a story to follow, even if untrue with pain and drama involved.  Dogma and obsession are always a detriment to the heart and body and all too common in all political organization.  Voters in a democracy are easily persuaded and purchased more by lies and division than by truth and harmony.

What is obvious to even the casual observer is the cycle of aging and death to all cultures with occasional reversals of renewal at further and further spacing that mimics our human life.  Aging and renewal are built into living systems. At all levels of organization.  I will not waste time philosophizing on why or doubting God/Nature’s plan.  I invest my time looking for best practices for my own mind, heart, body organization to remain capable of restoring my healthy homeostasis by knowing where that zero point exists inside and by having the chemical and energetic storehouses inside my organism filled and ready to respond. And then applying these best practices to larger human organizations through codifying bioadministration.

Imagine a government who saw their own duty as truly performance based judged by an objective measure of health and resilience.  Imagine no more cults of personality in leadership or idealogical abuses and assaults based upon limited models of governance.  Imagine the full flourishing of a harmonious win-win cooperation for all humanity that is the reason why trillions of cells prefer to be a human rather than a short-lived amoeba in a puddle of rain water. I truly believe there is an organization of humanity awaiting the arrival of bioadministration to pull humanity out of an amoeba-like individual existence constantly being seduced or forced into cult-like clumps of human cells we are trained, by it, to believe it is worthy of our loyalty.

Look at the human advancement post Second World War and Cold War.  A self-organizing and self-healing global economy and culture has arisen despite the regular and harmful interference of political opportunism.  Renewal is built into any organization allowed the ability to respond to external stimuli.  Aging at the level of a major country should be counteracted by the constant replacement of new cells for dying ones.  If a political organization can prevent itself from becoming hijacked by a personality or an ideology then aging is naturally balanced by renewal.  It is only when too many people become locked into a person or a belief system that builds up a wave of necessary death to clear the organism.

Questions of aging and renewal should live at the heart of every organization.  One to inspire us not to waste our youthful vitality and the other to give us the ability to stay flexible and capable of response.  When we become lost in the drama of personality and politics, we lose the objective standard by which to heal ourselves.

Bioadministration is the application of evolution’s counterforce to death from individual human to human destiny.  Humanity is naturally self-healing, when we let it be.


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