Rainmaking….Or Not

Cosmonomics necessarily confronts humanity with consequential choices.  Knowing how our invisible energy economy works and our human role within it gives both responsibility and the ability to respond.  This empowerment is too much to handle for some humans who would prefer to remain herded by gods, demons and random accident.  But throughout the ages some number of humans always took on the responsibility to respond.

Cosmonomics entails the journey of human empowerment beyond a few mystery schools into general consumption.  There are no dues nor initiation to join this school. No special handshake or robes.  There is energy and even struggle required to truly know and then to use knowledge to change reality.  And since religions and tyrants feel no restraint on harvesting and directing humanity to its purposes, I take it as my own responsibility to simply offer people power over their own life force.  For better or worse.

What is the basis of our human power? The bible clearly states the fall of man is the knowledge of good and evil.  I agree leaving Eternity involves surrendering peace and harmony for knowledge and potential for action.  And I believe being alive on Earth is a test in the expansion of both the peace and harmony of Eternity with the opportunity to also assist in the curation of our own life force by taking both responsibility and the ability to respond.  Unity ….and…duality are both great teachers.

So, I invite my readers on a little thought experiment on the subject of rainmaking.  I am choosing rainmaking as a demonstration of human magical empowerment for two reasons.  One, as a performance of changing our reality by engaging in the forces of cosmonomics usually reserved for higher levels of choice and resolution, rainmaking has very few prohibitions or karmic consequences for practitioners with good heart and purity of purpose.  Second, we humans in my local area are facing another drought and I am asking myself the ethical question of direct action.

There is a famous aphorism stating “The Great Way is easy for those that have no preferences”.

No rainmaking allowed.  Then there is my corallary “The Wizard’s Way is open for those willing to spend their bent-ness to change Eternity”  Rainmaking allowed, but it has costs and consequences.  And now you know, five paragraphs into my post, the subject of this inquiry.  To make it rain….or not.  And the ethics to consider.

About thirty years ago, in the first stages of my freedom to awaken, if I was leaving the house for any purpose I would leave 30 minutes early.  This way I was never in a hurry and, therefore, I could respond to any disturbance I might encounter.  Usually, this meant I was dragging dead animals off the road, to momentarily honor their death instead of closing my consciousness and my heart to their early demise at the hand of another human.  There were many experiences and lessons from my commitment to travel anywhere with the capacity to respond along my path.  Ultimately, there were more dead animals and other opportunities to respond than I could sustain.

Suffice to say, I finally limited my road clearing to my neighborhood and kept my ability to respond fully based upon the severity of the condition I might be able to effect.  I found the limit of my capacity to practice making the world conform to my desires to see it as perfected…with my help.  Playing at being a wizard, white or black, requires the willing surrender of our own distinction, our wounds and our separation from Eternity.  In short, there is a limit to our power to change Eternity, so spend it wisely.

And so I end up here again.  I know what to do and I am also a little tired of fixing what this reality keeps breaking by design.  Unity wants the experience of duality.  Duality is an endless loop of entropy that demands the redemption of Unity.  God’s dilemma.  Every parents’ dilemma.  Act to prevent pain, because you can.  Or let the world feel enough pain to evolve our consciousness.

I know better than to tell you what I am going to do.


Aging and Renewal


The Rebel Alliance III