The Rebel Alliance III

If we look objectively at our mind, its pro and cons, we see as complex, as dangerous and as satisfying a relationship as can be found in all of life.  The Chinese for thousands of years have named the mind a “wild horse” to describe both its power to move and its difficulty to tame.  One could make the case that any and all “alien” invasions would penetrate the mind to conquer humanity and our mind might mistakenly, but easily ally with off-world ideology and technology while abandoning its own heart and body.  Equally, the relationship between government and its citizens rivals this embedded potential battle space we all face within.

Our body/mind complex has a relationship that both defends each from the other and leaves open the door for harmonious reconciliation through the heart.  How many men and women would be or remain in relationship if not for the focus of birthing and raising of children to give these opposite forces unity and harmony through high purpose?  If we take away the mystical allure of sexual attraction hard-wired into life, would there be any partnership between man and woman at all?  Would nurturing and security have any incentive at all?  These questions of man and woman are no less relevant than why a government and its people stay in union.

There must be creative purpose at the heart of any duality in this realm.  Duality has only three possible outcomes, positive creation, wasteful drama or endless loops of trapped division.  Whether we are talking about a mind and body duality or a masculine/feminine polarity or a government and its people, how they harmonize, circle or rebel follow the same rules of engagement.  For any rebel alliance to succeed, it must adopt the strategies proven by evolution and the laws of this reality.

The first step of any rebellion is to contain the expulsive energy that upset the internal harmony in the first place.  Our internal immune system headquartered in the gut, is massively decentralized and as a rule cannot pass the blood/brain barrier.  Evil ideas infecting the mind or a government, even that cause a sickness in the body, cannot be cleansed by killing and by force.  Rather a withdrawal of capacity to gather attention within the mind, while sick, is enough of a terror to redirect and self-inspect the mind or a government.  How long can a government survive if there is no structure of taxation or control?

Why are governments so dedicated to central bank digital currencies, electronic surveillance  and data storage? Automated, non-human taxation and control.  Even though it will never work, its defense of self leads every independent center to imagine ways to maintain power.  The mind is a trial-and-error learner and it is a natural progression in the internal game of power dynamics to try their current strategy.  But like a rebellion of the people against a government, it must not be consumed by hate, fear and service to the small self but be guided by the greater Self.  Any mind or body, any government or people who cannot surrender to higher purpose will be removed from life once it has taught the organization its lesson.

There is a very deep lesson that western civilization is teaching all humanity today.  A unique period of both the mind and the immune system of humanity being held within one organization held great potential and even greater risk.  The unipolar moment of the “rules-based order” under a representative democracy was and is a teachable moment.  It is no wonder that our governmental mind has been corrupted by this power and failed its body and failed humanity.  What is mostly unexplored is how the body of our democracy has been seduced into un-payable debts, resource depletion and wasteful distraction that allowed our organism to be used and abused to attempt to rule the world.

So before we the people are whipped up into a hate-filled rebellion and retribution against our own governmental mind, stop.  Recognize our own role in playing along ever since the assassination of our president in broad daylight in 1963.  We have had plenty of time and reason to wake up and to put our mind to sleep. By all means, put the mind to sleep for a night. Then, we the people, must look within and release our internal immune system upon ourself.   

There will always be government.  The nature of mind and government is such that it is always being bombarded with both alien and psychopathic ideas.  Nature knows this and forces periods of disease and sleep. Yes, to heal and clear the mind but more importantly for each cell of the body to restore itself independently and rediscover the harmony of a win-win human organization. Citadelization.

A rebel alliance that cannot embrace its own tired mind into peaceful sleep, embrace its own fault and remorse through individual self-inspection and restoration and embrace a true and high purpose and mission for its organization, I want no part of.


Rainmaking….Or Not

