
Once the humans who want to be powerful but prefer to remain humane in the process search for tools of manipulation, they naturally fall upon the tactics of lying, fiat money and manufactured narrative control through secrecy and disclosure.  In the endless accumulation of unpayable debts, post-COVID, 2020 election, Afghanistan, Ukraine and now congressional hearings on UFO’s we humans are being forced through a master class on how our “leaders” use the modern tools of digital communication to make up down and down up.  This can work for a while until the lies begin to corrupt the self-correcting feedback loop of cause and effect.

What happens where our excess consumption of sugar desensitizes our insulin production circuit?  Cause and effect leading to homeostasis is broken. Blood glucose levels spike and all sorts of bad things happen to that excess sugar like cancer, diabetes, candida and Alzheimer’s.  All because our feedback mechanism is interrupted by false and misleading signals.  Is there any doubt that significant political events, where the actual cause-and-effect relationship is manipulated or broken for power or profit, is extremely dangerous to the organism that practices this deceit?

To restore health and vitality through returning the organism to homeostasis requires disclosure…of the truth.  In fact, knowing the truth is a life and death matter.  And the “powers that be” have also understood that creating instability is only half of the mission of being in control.  The real power of control is to insert a false disclosure to drive a desired outcome and most humans, in the deep need to restore homeostasis, will buy the directed (and false) disclosure narrative. What are living humans who want to remain alive in a living system to do?  Authentic disclosure.  There is no substitute for the truth to be in health.

There are certain inconvenient facts that fortunately ruin false narrative control.  For example, even the father of physics, Isaac Newton, said the moon gave him and his science “a headache”.  That the moon is a natural accident of cosmology is a lie that persists because the alternative is too consequential to consider.  The disclosure that the moon is artificial, and therefore must have been assisted into reality and orbit by a highly intelligent and powerful force means that all the infantile “disclosures” rolled out at this week’s congressional hearings are shiny distractions.  We are so obviously not alone in our own Earth/moon system that when “disclosure” is rolled out then perhaps the existing powers built upon lies is really in a corner and cannot get out. Dangerous times indeed.

What if we humans who want to know the homeostatic truth of our reality operate only from the highest level of truth and disclosure we can logically surmise?  Then the false signals of political manipulation or disclosure have no power.  Bioadministration is built upon maximum disclosure. To begin, ask yourself is there any energy created in our reality that does not have a place and purpose? A producer and a consumer.  Humans produce lots of juicy mental and emotional energy.  Do you honestly think there is no consumer?  Are humans at the top of a food chain, producing excess energy and yet there is no one eating that energy?

Once a human self discloses we are being eaten by something we cannot see then is the disclosure of alien life visiting Earth any revelation? Or are you already in a state and condition of self-disclosure and years ahead in observing the “consumers” of human energy?

Bioadministration takes many steps of self-disclosure.  We live inside a greater organization of life.  I like to say to myself, I live inside the body of God.  I am a cell inside the body of God and I have a place and purpose.  Inside my own body, I have over 200 different DNA codings for different functions to make all of me.  I see no alien invasion of Earth to be disclosed and manipulated by.  I live inside a complex living organism I have yet to fully understand but I learn so much more, so much faster when I assume nothing is “alien” and there is an intelligence placing everything in order.

A third founding concept of bioadministration is as above, so below.  There are mirrors to look within above in the heavens and below inside of us to disclose to us our place and purpose.  So if you want to watch alien “disclosure” in the halls of Congress, go ahead.  But watch it like you are watching some made-up entertainment on the television to take you on a fantasy ride.

For those humans who have disclosed the most obvious truths to themselves, they already live within a framework of a higher truth, a higher level of harmony from living within the resilience of homeostasis like a fighter in a relaxed, but ready stance.  Bioadministration lives there too, in the depths of self-disclosure.  Imagine a world where self-disclosure means we cannot be manipulated.  Imagine a world where politics is replaced by bioadministration.


The Rebel Alliance III


“FREE” Energy